Hi I recently had my prius rear ended by another car. I have full coverage and it's a 2013 prius with 94,000 miles. I bought it from a dealer for 13,000$. but i'm wondering if it will be totaled. I love this prius so much but the out look doesn't look to good. The back little window is shattered and the battery on the right side is dented into the car a little. The passenger side is scratched and the mirror on the passenger side broke off. I know you can't see much with these photos but I really want to know if it will be totaled. I don't know if the frame is bent but I really hope not. I am hoping most of it is super fiscal but i have not a clue about cars lol.
Hard to tell with all the snow... In general, exterior parts are easily replaced and the main metal frame can be slightly damaged but any kind of major dents or bends to the frame totals the car, same when airbags deploy. Though some make a deal with insurance company that total their car. At a lower pay out they'll let you keep the car and you can rebuild it, but it will always have a salvaged title, which lowers re-sale value.
welcome! that'll buff right out. but i'd hope for a total. if not, get your egr circuit cleaned out before you wind up buying a new (used) engine. all the best!
My money is on Totalled. It's just easier and cheaper for the insurance company. If that happens to me, I'll take the payout check to the Toyota dealership and buy a Prius Prime.