So driving last night in the rain, all of a sudden I hit a pretty large puddle, not big enough to have water over the hood or anything, but enough that I was terrified about hydroplaning (didn't touch gas/brake and it was fine). Drove home without noticing any issues. This morning I start to backup and I hear a loud scraping. The rear left of the undercarriage has dropped. How it only affected the rear, i have no clue. I haven't been able to get it on a lift to see what's going on, but from what I see there are two bolt holes in that part of the undercarriage, one of them looks ripped, the other looks like it is not damaged much. But both of those bold holes are now dragging on the street. The opening is at the back, so it's only really horrible driving in reverse. On my last car I hit something lying on a highway one time, and similar thing happened except it was the front and it cost a lot to fix. So this time a friend has a lift and I'm going to take it to his house tomorrow. He said he as some fasteners and that this happens to a lot of cars in this area. Where would be the cheapest place to order a replacement? Or any other things I need to consider because it's a Prius Prime?
I had to replace several of those plastic fasteners a few years ago on my PiP. For a one-shot event like that, I didn't think the ones from my dealer's parts counter were all that expensive. If I was buying them all the time, it would be a different story. You can get generic ones from auto parts stores, but it's kind of a crap shoot how well they will fit. If there are rips, you might try using home made fender washers made from plastic bottles or something else thin enough to let the fastener work right but still support the panel. A couple places on our old 2007 were so mangled that I ended up securing them with stainless steel wire.
So I got under there a little more without getting on a lift yet. It seems a rather large chunk is missing and the plastic was all bent and twisted. In addition, looks like some of the metallic looking (fiberglass) undercarriage that wraps around the muffler is bent. It looks like the muffler has two sets of 3 symmetrical dents on it. It looks very symmetrical so I'm thinking that's just how they're shaped, but wanted to double check if that's normal? Also, if anyone has a picture of the underside of the prime of how it's supposed to look, that would be very helpful. I'm hopefully gonna get it on a buddy's lift tomorrow, I'll take pics.
It's this piece: (at 6:29, the link takes you there directly). Driver side under panel just in front of the rear driverside wheel. What is that called? Splash shield? Is it in this diagram:
Splash Shield 51442-47030 in the diagram seems to be the #2 piece in the photo below. I think what you need is the #1 in the photo. I think it is called Under Cover 58165-47060. You can find it here. (#12 in the diagram) For reference, #3 in the photo is the Lower Shield 51410-47071.
Here is another photo of the underside of the 2017 PP. I think the #1 is the parts (Under Cover 58165-47060) you need.
exactly! I would never have thought it was an exterior trim "pillar." What about that muffler heat shield, i think that is slightly damaged or out of place. you wouldn't happen to know where i could get that one?
I realized the links I posted are for the "right Under Cover" which is for the passenger side. What you need is "left Under Cover". Follow this link: Under Cover 58166-47060
#17, #18, or #19 in the diagram on this page. But if they are not completely torn, I think just adjusting and fastening back would be good enough?
really appreciate it! So I entered that 58165 part into another site, that seems a little cheaper, but it said that is a "right splash shield front" (the emphasis for me is that it's for the "right" side of the car? Would this be the one for the driver side: 5816647060 - Toyota Floor Pan Splash Shield (Left, Front). PANEL, LOWER, Interior | Rohrich Toyota, Pittsburgh PA confusing because the pictures of the part are the same, showing both left and right shields, and I'm not sure which one is which (i know the part numbers are 58165 and 58166) it would be this one on the site you linked:
while i have you here, would you happen to know which directions tires need to be rotated on the Prime? I might do that when i get it on the lift.
shoot, i'm looking at this diagram now: Those underbody shield seem to sit further forward than the ones i might need. i need the ones right in front of the rear wheels. These underbody shields looke like they are a little more forward than that - right behind the front wheels.
All Toyota vehicles even with a full-size spare now recommend straight front to back rotation without crossing, I think. I know some people still prefer and do the front tires are rotated straight back to the rear and the rear tires are crossed to the front, but I followed the straight front to back rotation on mine. It is the easiest to remember and works on directional tires (my winter tires are directional). BTW, when you are comparison shopping for the OEM parts, make sure you check the shipping cost. Sometimes the differences are huge, that higher price on the item you are purchasing can be cheaper than the lowest priced site. Also, if you think you need anything else OEM from the shop, combining the items can also make the total cost cheaper than buying them separately.
Then what you need maybe the * on the photo below. However, that part does not fit on the 2019 PP. It fits on 2017 and 2018 PP. Strange. Does your 2019 underside look different? I can't find the equivalent parts to 57628 on the 2019 PP. Edit: Checked for the part 57628-47030 and found it does fit on 2019 PP according to those sites. 57628-47030 - Toyota Parts Deal 2019 Toyota Prius Prime Floor Pan Splash Shield (Left, Rear). PANEL, UNDER, BACK - 5762847030 | Rohrich Toyota, Pittsburgh PA
so apparently both of those splash shields got ripped clean off, and some of the attachment spots for the bolds were damaged and will need to be welded back into place. The rear red star part (57628c*) was bent and dragging, but we were able to get it back into place and screw it back on pretty well. So that one, I'm gonna see how it does before replacing it. Also unbent and added more screws to the heat shield around the muffler. my question is, how do we make sure that we don't screw up the car's hybrid system/electronics while welding? Do we need to disconnect the 9v battery? the hybrid battery? both? My friend is experienced with welding on older ICE cars.
Happened to me when I hit a curb. Took it to the dealer and they used zip ties to hold it in place for free.
I got it up on a lift at a friends house. We unbent the splashguard that was dragging and used some bolts to hold it in place. I realized though that I'm missing about 4 splashguards down there (I've never hit a curb, just that darned puddle). Each one is like $200 just for the part. I've been driving fine without them, but I will look into filing an insurance claim when I get time.