Just purchased a 2020 prius LE for car camping only to find out toyota has added an automatic power off feature in ready mode. This severely limits climate control options. Does anyone know if there is a way to disable this feature or lengthen the timer? Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I might be stuck with the one prius that doest do what I bought it for.
If you leave your car in ready but not actually turn it on, you could drain the battery completely possibly damaging the battery. What you'd want to do is actually start the car and leave it in Park with the emergency park in place. When we go to the drive-in theater this is what I've done so that the AC or heat can run or at the very least use the stereo for movie audio. The ICE will come on periodically to keep the battery at a sufficiently charged level.
See today's discussion, including some overrides (at least for some models), over at: Most decent way to run your 115V essentials out of Prius Prime | Page 2 | PriusChat Also: Do 2020 models have auto engine shut-off? | PriusChat That is an ACCessory or other ON mode without being in READY. If in READY, the batteries are protected, at least until the gas tank is emptied.
Found this in the thread you posted and I posted this reply on reddit. "I think we have some good news. A nice fellow on Priuschat found the feature in the owners manual. Its called automatic hybrid shut off system. Don't confuse this with the engine start/stop feature which is a much more prevalent issue with hybrids." I haven't tested it yet but the owners manual for the 2020 prius states that if the car is in park and the door is locked, from the inside with the mechanical lock or the outside with the key fob, the automatic shutdown will be disabled. Hopefully this will be the case and it will be happy trails for us!" I'll test it out tomorrow and update with an edit after confirmation. Feeling confident thank you so much for the help. Kudos to Salamander King for doing the heavy lifting!
After the car automatically shutting off after being left in READY mode in the garage with the doors closed but unlocked, I tried locking the doors using the metal key in the keyfob (can't lock the doors with the keyfob buttons while the car is in READY mode, hence the metal key needs to be taken out of the keyfob and inserted into the door handle and turned counter-clockwise to lock the doors) and then the car successfully remains in READY mode without automatically shutting off.
The above technique, used once in a while, should keep the 12V battery charged up if the Prius isn't driven very often. I happened to fully charge the big battery in anticipation of a drive which didn't end up happening. So, I wanted to slowly bleed the charge (so the EV battery isn't sitting at high charge) to charge the 12V in the process by leaving the car in READY mode.
I actually think this "feature" is a good one for most of us. I have gotten out of my car a few times only to realize its still not shut off. Usually this happens when I hit the park button instead of the power button if doing something in my car for a bit. The stinkin thing is too quiet!