Found this forum trying to seek out info... I have a 2012 Prius that starts but isn’t driveable of any distance as of yesterday. Apparently, head gasket issue that would require new engine/more than car worth. 149,200 miles Any suggestions on what to do with it? I intend to get a new car and try to offload this but hoping to seek out a little money as it’s in good condition, I’ve been the only owner. Looked at selling it on peddle, not sure, then found this in my search. All/any ideas appreciated...thank you.
Are you a diy'er? If so, an engine swap is totally doable. If not, a salvage yard might be your best bet.
check the value with a working engine. call around for non dealer replacement prices, and weigh that against selling it as is for best offer.
Thanks for the advice. I’m not a DIY’ this point would like to offload it for as much as I could possibly re-coup and put that to a new car...sounds like salvage yard. I know the cost of new engine would exceed the value.
If replacing the engine is too expensive or something you can't do and the junk yard wouldn't give you much for why no sell it for parts? go to ebay and make a listing, I'm sure there are some really expensive parts in the car that would be worth selling.
100% agree. As long as long as it has not over heated the cylinder head should not be warped either. It is very time consuming though. I just did mine and it took me well over 20 hours (This was my first big job), but it is very doable if you have the tools and the space. I believe it would still have to go to Toyota afterwards so that the hybrid system can be reset.
When I replaced the head gasket on mine I removed the orange pin at the back and I unplugged the connection on the side of the inverter so that I could pull the wire harness further back. When it was all back together and I went to fire it up I had the triangle ego doom and check hybrid system message with codes c1310 and c1259. I didn’t mess with the hybrid system at all so I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, decided to contact my local Toyota dealership and they told me that sometimes when the hybrid system is disconnected it has to be completely reset. Apparently they actually have to hook it up to a computer, I was unable to clear it myself. That was just my experience though. It probably isn’t super common. Odds are I did something in the wrong order to cause it.
Look up Gasket Masters who are in your area. A lot of good reviews at their N. Cali location although some of their Kansas City location customers are less than happy. Find out what a warranted head gasket repair would cost by taking it to them. Be sure to let them recommend the solution. Your car is on the borderline relative to miles so adding $1500 - $2000 in repairs might be justified if it adds more in private party resale value. Salvage yards won't give you much. As a trade-in its essentially zero value although they may shuffle discounts around to make you think otherwise.