The Dash trim on my 2019 Prius Prime has glare from the sun under certain conditions. Has anyone experienced this and what can I do to cover the trim and display. Is there an anti glare screen for the display?
Yap, that is a known issue. I hated the piano black and silver trims exactly for that reason. I wrapped my 2020 PP with vinal wrap, and @jerrymildred Plastidip painted the dash cover. As for the display area glare, it is difficult to remedy. @jerrymildred reported using various anti-glare protectors but IIRC with an unsatisfactory result. Which trim do you have? LE trim with a smaller 7" display has much less glare problem compared to the 11.6" display in the higher trims. When I had Premium trim with an 11.6" display, I almost always kept the screen off and had it covered with cloth shade from time to time when the glare was really bad.
For the dash, I have both treatments. I wrapped my Prime. It's still holding up well after almost two years. Looks better than it did at first because all the bubbles have now worked their way out. I tried to wrap my wife's '17 Trim Two that we got in late 2020 and couldn't get the vinyl to follow the complex curves. I sprayed it with matt black plastidip. That was way easier! But it's starting to show some scuff marks. Nice thing is that the dash on both is very easy to remove. As for the screens, I agree with @Salamander_King that the big screen is HORRIBLE and the little one is not so bad. I tried three or four anti-glare screen protectors on the Prime's big screen. All of them made it too blurry to read without leaning over and carefully examining it instead of watching the road. And only one reduced glare at all. None eliminated it. What has helped quite a bit is a mesh screen in each back seat window. There are also reports that window tinting makes for a big improvement.
Tinting would help if you are into that. I will probably tint sometime in the near future, but not because of glare. More for cooling. The 11" screen washing out has been my only problem so far. The rest get taken care of by sunglasses.
I have the larger screen. Yes the glare sucks. What happened to good old fashion physical buttons instead of cumbersome annoying screens? Tinting helps... But not a complete fix. I also don't like tinted front windows.
Thinking about adding this on top of the dash. Their amazon listing is currently unavailable. KOYO Visible Light Absorbing Flock Sheet 400mm x 950mm