Hello, just wondering, in the last year or so we've acquired 2 gen3 priuses and i just noticed that both did not have a strainer in either brake reservoirs. is this normal ? or everyone else has a strainer ? even some online videos i've seen didnt seem to have one... if there is a strainer? where can i get one without buying a reservoir? so far i dont see it in the parts diagram either. Thanks.
Thank You StarCaller. i find that ... interesting. i do see the plastic has the support for a filter. just no filter.
Ours has some sort of strainer basket. It has a slit running down the sidewall that you can slip a very skinny spigot or tube through, say when basting in prep for fluid change.
Thanks Mendel, do you have a pic ? also what model Prius do you have? by model i mean like ZVW30-AXXEB or such?
I have a 2010 Canadian Touring. I think it’s roughly comparable to US 2010 level “V” (aka 5, from 2012 onward?)?
I've looked at jp-carparts, megazip, toyodiy and all of them do not show a strainer. Thats of the different variations out there. Other cars do show a strainer part, but the gen3 Prius definitely does not show any. The NHW20 gen2 does show it has one. I've asked ebay sellers and none seems to have a strainer so i'll stop looking from a OEM pt of view. Thank You for the confirmation.
In our 2017 Prius 2, there isn't a filter but it does have a plastic divider in there that prevents you from sucking out the old fluid when doing a change. So I just bled more out of each wheel to get it all changed out....stupid design!!