Had just about given up finding material to make a full length cargo mat. I had purchased a roll of indoor/outdoor carpet and made a cargo mat cover with it - looked great - but the velcro on my bike accessories sticks to it like crazy and pull the mat out each time I try to pick them up! I really wanted to use 1/8" or 1/4" yoga mat material, but couldn't find any wider than 30", and they were more than I wanted to spend. So today I went to OSH (like home depot) and found some spike-backed clear vinyl to protect my floor mats, (see pic) and just happened to see EXACTLY what I was looking for to make the cargo area mat. It's 1/4" thick textured EVA foam, 93" x 46". It was only $19.99! Cuts super easy but it's also very durable, light and, waterproof! See pics below:
I thought I'd try a full-length version of this, since I've removed my rear seats and replaced with a fixed platform: To get a mat with no seam in the middle, it wasn't wide enough to span the very rear of the cargo area--so those edges are taped on.
I built a poplar-frame platform during Covid Time this past summer: It was a nice diversion from the world falling apart.
That's great! THANKS! Does the lid open, for storage? I need something like that for my dogs. It would give them more room. And I wouldn't have to clean my seat cover!
No, I left the lid fixed--but it would be easy to turn it into an opening; just cut it down the middle and add hinges. I left the sides open so I can put things in and out and use the car doors to "close" the openings.