Twice I've tried to watch it only to find: very slow - it takes too much and the whole first 1/3d gets tossed why'd they do that? - ordinary action movies have at least some relationship between plot and action events but this one is disconnected. For example, who is that mousing President and what the heck is the strange villain? special effects by boring - seriously, it is not even 1960s level special effects I wonder why "Wonder Woman 84" was even made. Bob Wilson
I tend to agree with Half in the Bags assessment of WW84 Yes it is a very strange comic movie and is a bit of a train wreck one could Blame covid but this was in production before but likewise I hope it’s not the death of a medium and a sign of what blockbusters have gotten turned into now that there is no block
Is this going to be a spoiler thread? I'm not an HBO subscriber or going to theaters right now, so I might not see it for a while....
I didn't think that was the way we numbered them. And we might never get to World War #84. We can hope.
Yes, the butler did it. (kidding) The maid really did it. PS, if anyone has AT&T unlimited they can watch it free on their phone via HBO Max.
Yes, OP may be the only one confused. IMO the movie was made for fans of Gal Gadot's attractiveness LOL
This is nothing new although this one is walk out bad. Superhero sequels are 98% bad. Does not matter if it was a Superman, Batman or Ironman sequel from last year or twenty years ago. The problem is the people who keep buying tickets which guarantees a roi to the producers. Even the Star Wars sequels were tedious quickly. I will take a Cohen Brothers tv retread of Fargo anytime.
you mean walk in bad since you would want to skip the first 3/4’s of the movie :0 At which point it’s at least amusing to watch There is bad but competent , most super hero movies fall in this category and have big budget polish even if poorly thought out and then there is just bad, and then there is WW84 I’m not sure there is a floor to bad but WW84 takes it down to a new level in so far as spoiling the movie I’m not sure that’s possible To be honest the review was more fun than most of the movie , though for me it had moments but not a “so bad it’s good experience” by a long shot admittedly WW84 is 1million X better than “The new mutants” which feels like someone recorded an AA meeting then threw in a brief superhero boss encounter at the end. aka at least WW84 felt like it was meant to be a theatrical release even if it failed and not a b movie that never leaves Sundance like The new mutants Assessment seems to draw parallels to “cut throat island” There is already a WW 199X and a world war 200X apparently I don’t remember either but the games based on them were OK
Meh. I guess I never "got" the whole comic book thing. Like every red-blooded young 'merican male, I did not object to Ms Carter prancing around on TV in tights, but that's the last of my 'exposure' to the WW thing. Something about this particular character has always struck me as something that should be little off-putting to the me-too crowd... Just not a DC or a Marvel fan I guess....and the next time I pay for a movie on the small screen will be the first time I pay for one - although I DID finally watch Greyhound courtesy of a "free" Apple Subscription that I have marked on a calendar to canx. Besides a Charlie Brown special or's the only thing I've watched on that particular channel.