Hi everyone, I am new to the forum. I just bought a NYPD accidental car to rebuild. I will try to update my rebuild work every to record the whole process. D1 received the car
Hello Wenchen, I was going to post this for someone to help but you have all the goods right there. I have a plug in 2014, perhaps you could help me identify a connection from the hybrid battery. It is for the fan control, if you look on the back you will see it. Here some pictures I would be grateful if you could id this connection. Thanks
Am I right in guessing those pics are rotated 90 degrees, in particular the last one? And which direction is the rotation? Can you describe position and orientation of camera, help responders?
the pictures are taken from above. Some are just zoomed in to see the connector up close. This is in between the two battery cooling fans. Thank you
I just added new pics, perhaps they are better resolution, also the connector is with the black wire harness the orange is high voltage Thanks