Wow...have driven 100k miles in 13 months. My OEM tires lasted 83,000 miles, still had 3/32 tread left. Got a great deal on 4 new OEM Ecopias, just $433 including install. After 100k miles, average MPG says 82.3, which actually comes to 80.85 with my detailed calculations. I spend a lot of time coasting in neutral and try not to use the brakes if possible. My main disappointment is the small fuel tank capacity. Suppose to be 11.3 gallons....I don't think it is really that large.
I was hoping to average 85 mpg....but Seattle weather just too cold November thru April. Anyway, in town I achieve between 83 and 98 mpg....and freeway driving only between 67 and 80 mpg. I do not use A/C. At 90,000 miles i drained & refilled both the inverter and radiator coolant. Oil changes i use Mobil One 0w-16. I keep tire pressures up to 51 wear perfectly even. Car rolls very well on the downhills....
My friend Wayne Gerdes (north of San Diego) is the best mpg driver. My 2020 L Eco weighs substantially less than his 2020 Prime....yet Wayne still slightly beats me in MPG.....even though he almost never plugs it in due to high electricity rates. His efficient driving skills are off the charts.....awesome.
Wow insane gas mileage. After spending that much time in the car, I wouldn't have the patience to coast the car that much. FYI you can coast the car without putting it into neutral, just by feathering the gas petal right between the regen and accelerator lines. Plus if you hit the brakes in neutral that would just result in friction brakes, but you're doing something better than me so whose to say.
That's tremendous!!! Both the miles and the fuel efficiency. It is that large. When it gets to empty, you have roughly two gallons left before you're really out. "Empty" means, "It's time to look for a gas station," which is a lot better than meaning "I hope you're at a gas station because I'm stopping now."
That's a lot of miles in a short span of time. Do you do most of the maintenance yourself? If so, when you get to 120k miles and are doing the spark plugs, I'd be curious what the egr circuit looks like. It's data that'll take me several more years to obtain, so if inclined, there is interest here .
Awesome MPG and treadwear with the Ecopia (422 PLUS?). Some others here reported worse MPG with the Ecopia (422 PLUS) than Toyo Nanoenergy OEM. Perhaps you would have hit better MPGs with the Toyos or the Dunlap Enasave?
Hi Ray.....presently I have NO inside shop to work on my I have the work done at the dealer...
Hi Royrose.....yes, Wayne Gerdes is a close friend of mine. Have known him since 2003. I have been HYPERMILING longer than him, but he is better than me. Wayne is truly amazing....he works the car with the entire book of techniques. And he has tested and driven more car models than anyone. He has his "steady state" tests that he exactly duplicates on every model of car. Also, Wayne has given one on one driving clinics to probably over 1000 individuals. Wayne is awesome....
Need some advice please......I would like to take a small can of gasoline with me, and drive the car and write down the odometer miles when the range says ZERO. Then keep driving till it runs out of gas. But I want to quickly shut it off right when I feel the engine as not to completely drain or unprime the fuel system. Then add my can of gas. I NEED to know my absolute fuel range and capacity.
Hi Srivenkat.....yes, the Ecopia 422 plus, 91s, made in Japan. I have wanted to try Michelin Energy Savers.....but now it appears they are not available on Tire Rack. And my OEM's, as you can see, are doing great....
After 100k miles, I cannot detect ANY deterioration of the Lithium ion battery. Perfect so far! Also, the dealer reports the brake pads are STILL at like-new thickness! They hardly show any wear. On a different topic, the center console armrest is hurting my elbow and the pain resonates to my upper arm and shoulder. I need to add some soft upholstery padding....
The owners manual says that there are 1.7 gallons left when the low fuel light comes on. Of course, that is approximate and the engine might start to stutter when there is still some of that 1.7 left. Toyota seems to shoot for about 15% left when the light comes on. In my Rav4 hybrid, which has a tank with capacity of 14.5 gallons, the stated reserve is 2.2 gallons which is 15%, same as the Prius.
If you traverse the coast, and we ever get out of COVID (I suspect it's another 6 months or so), I'd assist. Good luck continuing to pile on the miles.
Where are you driving 8k miles a month in the Seattle area?!? We’re downtown, and four months into ownership of our 2020 AWD-e, are just about to crack 1,000 miles, total.
wow, curious how many oil changes have you done already. Sounds like you need to do an oil change every month.
Hmmmm. Not saying I don't believe it, but this seems pretty unbelievable to me. It seems to me if 3 guys on the planet could get 80 mpg, then Prius would advertise 80 mpg.... And the first time somebody tried to sue them for false advertising, Prius would hire those 3 guys to prove it. In my 35 years of owning and driving about a dozen vehicles, I have only seen mileage differences of 5% or 10%, depending on how the vehicle was being driven. I'm averaging 52.6 for the 40K miles I've put on mine. I do have one quesion though, do you EVER use your cheating or air ??? I use mine literally 95+% of the time. Never would I have imagined that this would make such a HUGE difference in mileage..... Until recently, i was actually watching a video on an all electric car (not a Tesla, but don't remember which one now) And they mentioned that use of the heating / air could reduce the range by 35% ! Holy $#@# ! So I do not know.... If heating / air can do all that, maybe it could make most of the difference between my 52.6 mpg, and your 80+ ???