My Prius V plastic leather seats have started to rip. can you recommend something to fix it? I would hate to patch it with duct tape (even if it is a close color match)
I had a vinyl repair kit a long long time ago worked well on cracked leather on an old Cadillac. I don't expect to find it nor for that specific product to exist anymore. Amazon search came up with a Coconix Leather Care Pro which looks promising. Best of luck. moto g(7) power ?
Purchased this one after watching YouTube video. I trust 3M products. I will post pictures of the repairs later when I get a chance to fix it. It was also $10 cheaper than Amazon’s top choice item.
I agree. Strongly regret buying my Prius with these seats. Here in Florida they get really hot in summer.
I don't quite regret opting for the "pleather" in our Gen 4 (I seem to have had this compulsion to get the highest level, and priciest trim available when I finally bought the first new car in my 62 year-old life, back in 2017), but I do find that the real leather in our Gen 2 does a much better job of dispersing the water vapor from my sweat and allowing my skin to cool itself. My back does not get soaking wet in the Gen 2 as it does in the Gen 4, if the only thing between my skin and the seat surface is my shirt. My solution is to use a mesh back rest like this in the Gen 4, which helps some.