And probably will be. So ........ All this talk about 2021 gonna be so much better. Did people really think turning the page on the calendar would actually make a difference?
As strange as it may seem 2021 started out as a disaster at work for me. I work for a university and now know that due to poor communication my plans failed and I will need to break our network sometime before final exams. We are now diligently working to try and reduce the impact of that upcoming changs. Oh yeah! I discovered this less than one day before my scheduled plan would have broken everything.
Just walk outside and yell, "KEGGER at the student Union" and then go in and do the outage. Nobody will notice.
I hate when that happens!! My worst was from following orders. We were trying to make a leaky 2,000 kVa transformer last till the Christmas shutdown. The day shift electrician was adding oil to it which is a HUGE no-no for reasons I won't bore you with. He didn't get it done one day and asked me to do it that night. My crew partner and I did it against our better judgement. You guessed it. Biggest bang I ever heard. The moisture accumulated enough to cause a short in the transformer which blew all the fuses on the nearby power pole. That not only shut down one of the biggest aluminum can factories in the world, it set some ductwork on fire (another long story). We spent the next eight hours getting loads switched to other xformers, resetting drive faults and motor overloads, replacing fuses, and changing our underwear. Edit to add: Which is why you always want a hairy eared engineer involved in your project because he's been around long enough to have already made most of the mistakes. Now that's funny right there!