I have read about weak pin-60 solder causing black screen in earlier MFD units. But the revised units with part number 86110-47220 solved this problem right? Are there other common/known problems with the newer units (86110-47220)? Ours have stopped working for sometime, the screen is totally black, along with the buttons on both sides, they do not luminate. With the screen not turning on, I can't tell if any of the buttons actually work. Denso Ten Australia can repair it, I guess that's where Toyota would send it in for repair anyway. But they refused to quote over the phone (fair enough), it will cost AU$100 to send the unit for assessment if we do not want to go ahead with the repair. There's also a 3 weeks lead time. Can we drive around without the MFD? What other things can we check to confirm it is indeed a MFD fault? (Diagnostic mode is not an option without a working MFD.) P.S. I have pulled and tested (using a multi-meter) all low profile mini fuses from the inside fuse box, all seems fine. Thanks in advance.
That would be the 7-button MFD, correct? Obviously, you won't have Navigation, but I'm thinking you should be able to control all the other functions by the buttons on your steering wheel. Do they all still work? If they do, I think you can be sure the failure is either in the screen itself or the wiring attached to the screen. Hopefully, you could determine if the problem is the wiring by examining the connections after removing the screen. Driving around without the MFD is probably not as difficult as driving around without a functioning Combo meter, as some of us have had to do from time to time.
Yeah it’s the 7 button mode. Steering wheel controls work. I have removed the MFD a couple of times to investigate, the exterior wires/connectors seem fine. I didn’t remove the metal casing to check the circuit boards, I wouldn’t known/understand wth is going on anyway. Thinking about it, possibly something loose somewhere, because the black screen was intermittent at first, then the vertical colour lines, then sometimes it works normally. At some point the black screen became a constant, but few months ago it worked for like 20 minutes out of the blue (that was all by itself, I didn’t remove it from the dash yet). I wonder could it be something outside the unit is playing up, loosing wire/connection somewhere.
did you get this fixed by yourself or did ut turn it in to the mechanic? Got the exact same thing, what you are describing. Did just disassemble it from the car to look for any visual damage but couldn't tell anything from that (quite used on soldering). And the price for a used one at my place is 290$ so a fix would be a savior for sure. (Sorry for bringing and old thread alive again)