08, 163k miles, oil eater. Changed out to new spark plugs and pcv valve following a recent oil change, noticed just #2 sparkplug well had old oil inside. Took the sparkplug out the threads are covered but the tip looks fine, any thoughts? I just threw new plugs in and everything feels about the same. Not sure if this matters but the #2 sparkplug ignition boot also was looser compared to the other 3, in terms of its not gripping the sparkplug as tight, but im not sure if that would affect the contact points, as i dont have any warning lights.
You might need a new valve cover gasket, etc. Sounds like the rubber boot may have swollen from sitting in oil.
Really common for valve cover gasket to fail on a 4 banger at the spark plug wells. It leaks into the sparkplug wells and if real bad fouls the cop. Mine failed at 110,000 miles. With the valve cover off take advantage of that and remove and replace the pcv valve using a box end wrench or deep socket only. Go to the dealer buy the pcv valve and gasket take the valve cover off and replace the gasket. You have to apply some RTV along the front edge. Take some pictures of the valve train and post here please I like pictures.
I am having the same issue but could you explain or link in more simple terms? Mine had enough oil on it it was dripping when I took it out. This new valve cover gasket is that something easy to replace that you can do at home? This is what mine looked like. I had two like this, the two furthest to the right when facing the front of the car. Could you link a tutorial or explain and is it ok to put the new ones in still?