Last Night my dashlights came on. 4 Yellow signals. And this message of Check Hybrid System. Today in the afternoon, my local mechanic checked with scanner. This car I bought recently. Original mileage is only about 77,000 kms and car is as fresh as a daisy. Now most dangerous error P0a80. Now i see one error is pending but was cleared by previous owner and most probably he sold because of this but being a Prius lover, I think I can manage and handle this. My mechanic says at this mileage battery should not be the problem. Battery seems to be serviced by the previous owner. Now my mechanic thinks its the blower. The engine is constantly running. Previously this car showed battery cooling error shared by the previous owner with me due to possible hybrid battery vent clogging which was cleared effectively about 6 months at about 70,000 km mileage. In this error code what you suggest? We have battery cells replacement option or a slightly used complete hybrid battery pack.
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In the meanwhile I checked my 12v battery. Its power is 9-10 volts checked by two battery dealers. One suggested to change it immediately and the other two at 10 volts suggested to use it till it works. What is the least voltage and indication to change 12v battery? I have read that many a times 12v battery is the root of every evil in a prius.
i red the first page, doesn’t indicate chemical make up of the cells; life, lipo, or lifepo4. Red flags like a Chinese parade.
He has a third gen hybrid battery IIRC. Give it a read. I would go with the first suggestion. A healthy 12 volt battery would typically show at least 12.5 volts. 12.6~12.8 is in the pink. That said, an electronic load test is a much better indicator of where you’re at. Most battery retailers will have them, and do the test for free. You can DIY with something like SOLAR BA9.
Tomorrow I am going for battery check again and most probably 12v battery change. 40 Mah is recommended one?
I have an update. My Prius 12 v battery 34% health with 98% charge. It is giving 10 volts. Results from a digital battery scanner. 34% health is too bad right?
My dear let me tell you I am from Lahore Pakistan. We do have Toyota Dealerships here but almost 100% Toyota or any hybrid car is somewhat used Hybrid imported from Japan without involving any Toyota dealership. So we have Toyota Hybrids on our own. I had prius Gen II. Now I have an Aqua and a Prius Gen III on board which we take care on our own have found some specialist around the city which have mastered hybrids in the 8-10 years.
To be honest I was in a state of denial yesterday but now I have Purchased the battery shall be replaced tomorrow.
UPDATE: Yesterday 12v battery changed. Drove few KMs and all dash lights are on again. Will get my prius back on the scanner tomorrow and lets see if its the same code. My feeling is its the same code for the third time.