I have a prius v 2 2015 wagon. I noticed the splash guard on front passenger side undercarriage was hanging. Looks like a bolt and washer is missing? Does anyone know the part number for this? Thanks-JA
Totally agree with getting parts from dealer. I bought some generic versions and they don’t come on and off as easily, break quickly, and doesn’t fit as well. 2017 Prius V Five
An easy way to match is to pull another pin - like the matching one on the other side of the car. Bring that into a dealer or hardware store to get something close or an OEM pin
Look at the diagram above. The six #2 are bolts. Almost all the rest are #3, except for a couple around the folding oil access door, which are #4 and #5. The number 3s are very common push pins that you can get as a big bag on Amazon for very little. The bolts are unlikely to be gone unless an oil change kid took off the whole panel and failed to put all the bolts back in. #3 - Toyota 90467-07201
They ought to sell a 'big bag of stuff', to replace the several types of fasteners that either come loose and go missing, or are lost during servicing. Sooner of later, you'll need almost every one of those.
I bought bags of 50 of both the smaller and larger (3 & 5) in the above diagram on Amazon. I have 3 Toyotas in the family, and these fasteners are common on all three, so they're handy to have around. I never have to worry about losing or breaking one. Interestingly, I didn't realize the #4 location was supposed to be a different size. I just use a #3 or #5... not sure which.
When I read this I was thinking "which ever one fits through the holes" lol I got a mixed bag of 100 and 10 different sizes for $5 ebay. I've got 3 cars that use them and the pins get broken on all of the cars. The longer the pins stay untouched the harder it usually is to get them out whole. I broke the heads off 5 pins, changing the oil myself for the first time with the Prime at 40k miles. I also had to buy 2 new engine undercovers for the older (other) hybrid, cause the pins would continually be either not put back in or not but back in through both holes after oil changes.