Quite confused as I have a 15 inch tire but the wheel is technically 16 inches across, lol. Trying to figure out what size of screw on mooneye I would need lol. And is prius chat dead, I have revived more threads and been ignored more on this platform next to Twitter Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
We're looking at a 15" gen2 wheel in the first two (2) images above, you can tell by the total number of spokes (6). The tire will mount and seal below the rim lip, approximately 5/8", multiplied by 2, that would be 1-1/4 inch, or the sum total in image #2. Looking at image #3, something closer to a 16" 'mooneye' could work quite well for this application, and a 15" may also work. Sorry to hear that you're unhappy with the participation level here in PC, it can be hit or miss in some of the less trafficked subs. I'm a little confused by the title for this thread, could you please explain "5th gen wheels 16s?".
Oyy... my bad I meant 2nd gen, no clue where 5th gen came from lol. Yes looking to do moondisks. The picture i got from a 2005 thread here on PC and I believe the man passed here are specs from the mooneyes page Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
So 16.26 minus 15.87 is .32 roughly. So in fact the 15 inch disc would pretty much fully cover the wheel Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I will try to order by next month and take a stab at it and post a new thread, hopefully will be more entertaining content Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.