My prius C is 2014. Winter began and my prius is cold. only engine heat is coming inside when AC is OFF. When turn AC ON it starts to blow slightly warm or it is better to say " not cold air". Checked two servos near passenger legs - moving fine both aluminium hoses coming from the heater(from driver side) are hot antifreeze fluid level is fine big hose going to radiator becomes hot after some minutes just noticed when AC is ON the right side blows colder than right if look from motor side - compressor and the big blower works 2-3 seconds and stops, then the same action 2-3 seconds works and stops. I have techstream but no errors appear there. Which parameters to check? What could be the reason of cold air?
all fuses are fine. today was sitting in prius 20 and noticed a click from relay(next to my left leg) during switching AC on and off (similar to click sounds when lights switched on or off). but this click doesn't appear in my prius C while switching AC on or off. I'm not sure if it has to click or not on C. Service employees suggest me to do too much things and maybe one of them will solve the problem (and it will cost too much). nobody wants to find the root of problem.
When it's cold out and you go on a long drive do you stay warm in your car or do you get cold? Has it always been the same or has it changed? And have you adjusted the temperature controls if / when it gets too hot? Because it's winter in the northern hemisphere the air conditioning is not supposed to blow cold air but warm dry air are to prevent the windshield from fogging up. But if you adjust the temperature to lowest setting it will blow cold air.
yes it becomes much warmer inside the car after 10-15 minutes of driving with AC OFF. Last winter everything was working fine. yes I have adjusted it to colder and it becomes to blow colder
Checked Servo responsible for air mixing again and it moves only from LO till 74. From 75 till HI - no moves. Is it normal? Seems like the solution of the issue,because if fan speed is 1-3 it blows much warmer than when fan speed is 5-6.