Transponder, Smart System ECUs or key fob? B2557

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Chris Larson, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. dolj

    dolj Senior Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wellington, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    Keep doing this. (y)
  2. Chris Larson

    Chris Larson Junior Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Puna, Hawaii
    2005 Prius
    Happy and safe New Year, all. I'm back after my stint in Alaska. I'm concerned that I might be throwing money at a money pit.
    It use to be that the codes would clear when I disconnected the 12v battery. The car wouldn't start until I cleared the codes like
    that. Now it starts all the time but I can't clear the codes.
    I changed both front speed sensors and disconnected the battery for 20 hours. I started the car and drove it into the garage.
    With the engine running I got codes
    P0102, mass airflow circuit low, (current, pending & history).
    Code Po113, Intake air temp circuit high input.
    ABS/ VSC/ Trac code C0200 Rt speed sensor (Freeze Frame Data)
    ABS/ VSC/ Trac code C0205 Lt Speed Sensor (current)
    C-1341, Hydrolic System, (current)
    P0AC0, Hybrid Battery Pack (current)
    P3000 Hybrid Control P3000
    B1421 Solar sensor
    B1442 Air inlet damper control
    B1271 Combination meter ECU communication stop, (history)

    That's after the front speed sensors were changed.
    The breaks feel different. They're solid, not feeling like power breaks. It has fluid. I locked up the breaks on wet grass and
    I believe the left front tire skidded.

    Do I have a money pit? 2005 Prius with about 90,000 miles on it. All in all, the car is in nice condition otherwise.

    Thanks everybody.
  3. dolj

    dolj Senior Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wellington, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    Thank you, and same to you.
    No, I don't think so. It looks like a case of ignoring codes when they arose instead of dealing with it at the time. Most of them are not that onerous and just need to be fixed.

    B1271 Combination meter ECU communication stop

    • Combination meter
    • Wire harness
    Your combination meter (CM) is intermittently failing. There are plenty of threads on this. A good one is pinned to the top of the Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting forum called combination meter repair - DIY. If you are not able to DIY, you can contact Matt @Texas Hybrid Batteries here for an exchange based refurbed unit ($150 all up (I believe) and lifetime warranty).

    P0102 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input
    • Open in mass air flow meter circuit
    • Mass Air Flow meter (MAF) to ECM
    With this code the ECM will use fail-safe settings, The ignition timing is calculated from engine speed and throttle angle

    Given the next code, I would check the connections at the ECM and the MAF as well as the wiring itself for breaks or shorts. It could also be that the MAF itself has failed. If replacing, use only a Toyota OEM part.

    P0113 – Intake Air Temperature Circuit High Input
    • Open in intake air temperature sensor circuit
    • Intake air temperature sensor (built-in mass air flow meter)
    • ECM
    The Intake air temperature sensor is not working correctly and so the intake air temperature is fixed at 20°C (68°F) by the ECU. The three areas listed above is where there could be an issue.

    C0200 Front Speed Sensor RH Circuit
    C0205 Front Speed Sensor LH Circuit

    I'd go into the ABS/ VSC/ Trac ECU and clear only those codes, But make sure you save the session file or take a written note of all your codes before doing that. Once cleared, see if they come back. Incidentally, there are in excess of 12 sub-codes (aka INF or Detail codes) in the FFD (freeze frame data) for each one of those codes that can help pinpoint the actual trouble area. If either (or both) codes come back, post the sub-codes. When you replace the sensors, did you use after-market parts or Toyota OEM parts?

    C1341 Front Hydraulic System RH Malfunction
    • Fluid leakage
    • Brake actuator assembly - Disc rotor
    This code has five sub-codes – 551, 552, 553, 554, and 555. The areas where there could be problems are listed above. Please supply the sub-code to narrow down your diagnostic effort.

    P0AC0 Hybrid Battery Pack Current Sensor Circuit Range/ Performance
    • HV battery assembly (wire harness or connector)
    • Battery current sensor - Battery ECU

    Don't worry about the other codes for now and don't worry about the B1421 code at all unless you did the code scan outside in bright sunlight.

    I hope this helps.
    #43 dolj, Dec 29, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
    SFO likes this.
  4. Chris Larson

    Chris Larson Junior Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Puna, Hawaii
    2005 Prius
    Thanks, Danny, for the fantastic reply.

    I'll contact Matt at Texas Hybrid for a combination meter

    I don't know how to delete the codes. I pulled up the Freeze Frame info and there was a huge list. I'll write it below. I highlighted
    each one and deleted it. When I turned the car off and back on I rechecked it and it was exactly the same.

    C0200 Front Speed Sensor RH Circuit C1310 HV System Malfunction
    Detailed Freeze DTC Value: 252 156
    Stop Light Switch off on
    VSC/Trac off off
    Shift Lever Position fail D(M)
    Operated System No Sys No Sys
    Number of IG ON 31 31
    Vehicle Speed 9 0 MPH
    Steering Angle Sensor 1143 1143 deg
    Yaw Rate Sensor - 128 0 deg/s
    Master Cylinder Sensor 0.47 0.47
    Pedel Stroke 1.04 1.30
    Throttle Sensor 0 0 deg
    Master Cylinder Grade 0 0 MPa/s
    Right & Left G -1.49 0.06 G
    Back & Forth 0.00 0.00 G
    Buzzer off off
    Reservoir Warning SW off off
    Parking Brake SW off off
    FR Wheel Cylinder 0.47 0.76 V
    FL Wheel Cylinder 0.45 0.72 V
    RR Wheel Cylinder 0.45 0.80 V
    RL Wheel Cylinder 0.49 0.82 V
    Accumulator Sensor 3.52 3.58 V
    Master Cylinder Sensor 2 0.45 0.45 V
    Pedel Stroke Sensor 2 3.90 3.62 V
    MTT 0.00 0.00 V
    IG 1 Voltage 0.00 13.80 V
    IG 2 Voltage 0.00 13.65 V
    BS 1 11.62 12.94 V
    BS 2 11.62 13.02 V
    VM 1 10.99 13.10 V
    VM 2 10.99 13.02 V
    +B1 12.30 13.72 V
    +B2 12.30 13.79 V
    FR Target Oil Pressure 0.00 1.4 MPa
    FL Target Oil Pressure 0.00 1.4 MPa
    RR Target Oil Pressure 0.00 1.5 MPa
    RL Target Oil Pressure 0.00 1.5 MPa
    SLAFR Solenoid Current 0.00 0.00 A
    SLAFL Solenoid Current 0.00 0.46 A
    SLARR Solenoid Current 0.00 0.68 A
    SLARL Solenoid Current 0.00 0.70 A
    FR Wheel Speed 0 0 MPH
    FL Wheel Speed 0 0 MPH
    RR Wheel Speed 0 0 MPH
    RL Wheel Speed 0 0 MPH
    Capactor Mode off off
    ECB Solenoid (SCSS) off on
    ECB Solenoid (SMC1) off on
    ECB Solenoid (SMC2) 0ff on
    Motor Relay 1 off off
    Motor Relay 2 off off
    ECB Main Relay 1 on On
    ECB Main Relay 2 on 0n

    The 2 front speed sensors came from Rock Auto for $58 total. They were over $500 on island. Not Toyota brand.

    The only other code in the ABS/ VSC/ Trac that had a Freeze Frame icon was C1310 HV System Malfunction. Since it
    looks like the same Parameter list I'll include it in the list above so I don't have to write it all again. It's the last 2 columns.

    Regarding C1341, I'm not able to get any sub codes. There's no Freeze icon on the left to click on. The magnifying glass
    on the right says that there's a malfunction only.

    Another weird thing I'm seeing is that sometimes the panel monitor shows the battery real low and then pretty full. It
    kind of jumps back and forth in an unusual way.

    Does this site sell the parts I may need? I'd like to buy from the guys helping me.

    Thanks again!
  5. Chris Larson

    Chris Larson Junior Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Puna, Hawaii
    2005 Prius
    That might not have posted on this site how I wrote it, with spaces but when I clicked reply to write this sentence it shows
    how I wrote it.
  6. dolj

    dolj Senior Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wellington, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    Yeah, it is a bit of a PITA, the site removes all spaces. You need to use periods/full stops (.) to space out or use a table.
    That is a sign of HV (hybrid vehicle) battery failure in the not too distant future.
    Not really, there is a for sale section but is more ad-hoc bit and pieces members want to get rid of.
    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
    0 CODE C0200 Front Speed Sensor RH Circuit C1310 HV System Malfunction
    1 Detailed Freeze DTC Value 252 156

    That is what is of interest for now.

    The C1301 can be ignored because it is just an advisory code acknowledging that it heard from another system of a problem in the electronically controlled brake system.

    DTC No. Blink Code Detection Item INF Code DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area
    1 C1310 51 Malfunction in HV system 156 The traction control prohibition signal is received for at least 0.07 sec. when IG2 terminal voltage is 10.5 V or more for at least 1.5 sec. and communication with hybrid control ECU is valid. Hybrid control system (Enhanced VSC)

    DTC No. Blink Code Detection Item INF Code Trouble Area
    1 C0200 31 Front Speed Sensor RH Circuit 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
    • Right front speed sensor
    • Speed sensor circuit
    • Sensor rotor
    • Sensor installation
    2 C0205 32 Front Speed Sensor LH Circuit 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275
    • Left front speed sensor
    • Speed sensor circuit
    • Sensor rotor
    • Sensor installation

    DTC No. Blink Code INF Code DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area
    1 C0200 31 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 When one of the following conditions is met:
    • Speed of a malfunctioning wheel is 0 km/h (0 mph) for at least 15 sec. when the vehicle speed is 10 km/h (6 mph) or more.
    • Speed of the slowest wheel is less than 1/7th of the 2nd slowest wheel for at least 15 sec. when the vehicle speed is 10 km/h (6 mph) or more.
    • Abnormal high wheel speed pulse is input for at least 15 sec.
    • Abnormal high wheel speed pulse is input at least 7 times when ECU is on.
    • Speed sensor pulse signal is instantly cut 7 times or more.
    • Speed sensor signal line is open for at least 0.5 sec.
    • Right front and left front speed sensor
    • Each speed sensor circuit
    • Sensor rotor
    • Sensor installation
    2 C0205 32 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 When one of the following conditions is met:
    • Speed of a malfunctioning wheel is 0 km/h (0 mph) for at least 15 sec. when the vehicle speed is 10 km/h (6 mph) or more.
    • Speed of the slowest wheel is less than 1/7th of the 2nd slowest wheel for at least 15 sec. when the vehicle speed is 10 km/h (6 mph) or more.
    • Abnormal high wheel speed pulse is input for at least 15 sec.
    • Abnormal high wheel speed pulse is input at least 7 times when ECU is on.
    • Speed sensor pulse signal is instantly cut 7 times or more.
    • Speed sensor signal line is open for at least 0.5 sec.
    • Right front and left front speed sensor
    • Each speed sensor circuit
    • Sensor rotor
    • Sensor installation

    TMR-JWAP posted this if you're interested in downloading a copy of the repair manual. There is much more information in regards to troubleshooting your C0200/C0205 codes.
    #46 dolj, Jan 1, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
    Raytheeagle likes this.
  7. alftoy

    alftoy Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Saskatchewan, Canada
    2008 Prius
    TMR-JWAP said:
    This link has the manual broken down into sections. I think this one may be the MacDaddy of them all...

    Service Manuals - Google Drive

    Yes MacDaddy is true. Instead of downloading or opening each pdf as I did the first time, click on Service Manuals for a dropdown menu and select download, will download all pdfs into one folder, unzip complete folder to your computer. Or maybe everyone is not as slow as I was.

    Attached Files:

  8. Chris Larson

    Chris Larson Junior Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Puna, Hawaii
    2005 Prius
    Well, with the HV batteries' failure imminent it doesn't seem worth fixing. I'm reading those batteries alone cost $3100.
    Surely, the car can't be worth much more than that with new batteries and all these other bugs fixed.
  9. Chris Larson

    Chris Larson Junior Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Puna, Hawaii
    2005 Prius
    I wanna thank all you guys, (and gals) for you help in my struggle here. You've saved my throwing money at the local dealership,
    who I don't trust, and gave me the education to make a logical decision about what I need to do. I've spent maybe $150 trying to
    figure out what needed to be done and Toyota wanted near $3000 before the inevitable battery failure. I wish we could share some
    smoked Alaska salmon with you all and we could do damage to my kegs in appreciation for what you've done. You guys rock! Mahalo.
    SFO likes this.