Having the 3 A/C buttons and the info button not working I purchased the right part in order to replace them and see what happens. @ Toyota they asked for $350 for a new one so I took the risk to DIY it. Just two questions: - I need to take out the airbag first (after disconnecting the 12V battery) and then what? Do the buttons come out easily or I have to dismantle the back side of the steering wheel? and - Can I connect the battery after replacing to see the new working with the airbag disconnected? Just to test. Thanks in advance.
Finally it was very easy to replace the right side buttons. Unfortunately changing buttons did not solve the problem, next step it will be the clockspring. Thanks for your help!
Changed the original clock spring with a Chinese one. Cost €42, dealer asked for €350. Everything works perfect now, 45 minutes DIY work. Hopefully it will last until change the car.
Hi! Would you mind sharing your procedure? My right controls are out, and it seems just a bad contact..if I steer 30° left or right they work.. But as it involves probable airbag disabling.. did you watch a video tutorial?
For your problem may be 2 main causes. Either control buttons failed or clock spring does not work. I decided to change the buttons first and this didn't solve the problem, then I changed the clock spring and everything now works fine. So I have the buttons for sale if you are interested. The best video for changing a Prius Gen2 clock spring is here: