From the University of Colorado: CU Law's Energy and Environmental Security Initiative is pleased to host an event featuring Colorado's first plug-in hybrid. The evening event will be held at 5 p.m. on October 24 in the Wittemyer Courtroom of the new Wolf Law building. In addition to the converted plug-in hybrid Toyota Prius, distinguished speakers will include Carl Lawrence (Founder and President of Hybrids Plus), Keith Park (Analyst at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and Joel Swisher (Managing Director of Rocky Mountain Institute). Speakers will discuss the economic, environmental and national security implications of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. More information at:
I like the idea of a plug in car but would like to know more about how it operates. For instance: 1. Does the ICE come on at startup to warm up the engine? 2. Does it come on periodically to keep the system warm? 3. How is the car kept in the electric mode? 4. Is the EV buttom mode still regulated to the current max speed?