I have a lot of Prius and Toyota memorabilia I've acquired over the years. It's time for me to let go and move it out. So, I'd like to offer it here first if there is any interest. I have a wide range of things toy cars, drinking vessels, hate, notepads, pens, flashlights and so much more. These photos are just taste. Please drop a response a here if you're interested or if you think this is a waste of time. Then I can list everything where it will have the most impact. Thank you for your responses. Stay safe and healthy. -Russell
Keep the pics coming . I'll take the pens and stationary if nothing else. But looking forward to see what else you've got.
Thank you to everyone who replied or messaged. I'm putting together and photos and list of everything and will post a new thread that is much more complete with regard to inventory and pricing. Shipping always sucks. I have no desire to make money on shipping but that said, I've screwed up more crappy ebay auctions selling a $3 item and then losing that much on shipping. So, with my whining complete (for now) I'll do my best to get this up here in the next few days. Thank you again to everyone who took the time to respond. I appreciate it.
Look forward to the full inventory. When you start the new thread, do you mind tagging those that responded here, so we at least can know when you post. One mans discard is another mans potential Christmas gift.