After my '17 Prius Prime Advanced charges I sometimes hear [what I'm guessing is] a battery cooling fan noise, in the rear of the car. Eventually the fan noise stops. Is this normal?
bisco - Interesting. So this is a normal operation for the car? Reason I ask is, I've had the car for 3 years and have only heard this fan noise a few times.
Actually, what you're hearing is most likely the battery charger cooling fan. It's pretty loud and I'm not sure I've ever not heard it when it's charging. When it's done charging the battery, the charger shuts off and so does its fan. The battery fans themselves might run while charging in warm weather, but I'm not sure they would be loud enough to be heard over the charger fan.
I am pretty sure it is the battery charging cooling fan that you are hearing. My 2017 used to ask me if it was OK to use it while charging. I don't remember seeing the message on my 2020 model. But I do hear the fan when the weather is warmer. When I am vacuuming the car I often clean the vents for the fan in the back seat area.
There is a fan there. You can touch the plastic piece below the rear seat and you can feel where it's cooler (where the fan is) and where it's warmer (away from the fan). Sometimes I hear the fan run first before I see the car start charging (blue blinking light), especially if you plug it in right after driving. (a distance that uses at least half the battery charge)
if its running while charging, it may be the charger fan. if its running several hours after driving, its the evaporations check
I just picked up an 18’ Advanced and noticed a fan noise in the rear of the car after charging to 100. Turns on sometime after unplugging the car. It is not the charger cooling fan as I check that under the rear seat, I know what that sounds like and I can’t hear that from outside the vehicle. Almost sounds like battery cooling fan but I can get it to stop if I start the car to ready mode and shut it down.
Glad you found it. I'm curious about your info panel. It says you have a Prius Prime Four Touring. Does that mean you have both models?