did the spike hit your county NoV 15th with a bang from Stranger in a strange land written and performed by Leon Russell and Don Preston "and that's a thing do you recognize the bell of truth when you hear it ring" or read one of Heinlein's books that inspired just a few popular songs for the 60 and 70 Stranger in a strange land Starship trooper Starman Jones The Puppet Masters
Not COVID related but a definite 2020 thing. I received a text from Santa asking me to forward a message to all of you. He said that he'd be running a little late . . . something about getting hung up. Happy Holidays.
Now there's a noise that's sure to give you cancer. rrrRRRrrr ... rrrRRRrrr ... jingle ... rrrRRRrrr ... jingle ...
I suppose, technically, this isn't funny. But then again, technically, I have a twisted sense of humor.
Did you notice how the Trump protests were not super spreaders because they were not rallies? Who knew that the Chinese virus would understand English??
This is what a Drug problem was in the 1950's and 1960's for us kids Didn't want to start a new thread for this one but thought you guys might enjoy it as much as I. I was 'durugged' by my parents as I am sure many of you older guys were too!