I've grown increasingly pissed at YouTube ads. They interrupt the quality content I seek to sell crap I have no interest. So on the TV or laptop, I mute the audio and go to the other to play what I want. My goal is to make sure the advertiser pays full price for pissing me off. Am I alone? Bob Wilson
i'm with ya and do the same. but now, they are starting to insert them all through the video. oh well, there's no free lunch i guess.
I couldn't stand the ads anymore, and got my friend to cough up their EDU credentials so we can share a premium account.
There are several workarounds to bypass ads, both for home PC's as well as apps for phones. Works for YouTube as well as websites. Then, websites detect the software changes to disallow use of there items. Then the hackers invent workarounds so that yourube & websites can't detect your workarounds. My 10yr old grandson hooked me up. .
I deal with today's ads like I dealt with those in the 60s and 70s. Sometimes I change the channel. Sometimes I take the opportunity to pump bilges or attend to some small errand. Since I've embarked on the exiting new hobby of reloading, I'm on the Youtubes a LOT and probably have amassed an Associate's Degree in the subject. The Tubes have not only helped save me several thousands of bucks, but have allowed me to stand on the shoulders of those much taller than I. In a few months, like the squirrel who is holding an acorn with a nibble taken out of it......I'll see another acorn.....and I'll be dipping into the sum total of human knowledge (minus curation and editing) on another subject. Maybe welding......or masonry. Sometimes? The ads are almost relevant....although my very wide range of vids probably have the folks in the Alphabets thinking that several people are using my account. I have ten submarine patrols under my belt. I have the ability to completely ignore ads that I'm not interested in and I do not give very many people or things the power to irritate me.
I looked up YouTube premium; don’t think I’ll pull the plug but food for thought. One rational: if you pay the monthly premium you’re add-free AND a portion goes to the video maker. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.makeuseof.com/tag/youtube-red-worth-money-things-need-consider/amp/
I've considered it on occasion for the ability to play some of the longer vids offline, but IIRC it's about $13 a month (USD) and I have audiobooks and podcasts that I can listen to offline.
Yeap, it pisses off a lot. The thing is youtube is winning in both cases.... either they get payment from a company that wants to advertise or they get money from you as a user because you pay them to switch off all ads...