Was performing the oil change and transaxle service today when I noticed signs of an oil leak on the timing side of the engine. The leak appears to be higher than crank seal but lower than the head gasket near the timing cover sealing surface. Is this a documented problem with these 1.5L engines? Currently the car has 102K miles and has been trouble free till now. I will be fixing it myself if at all possible.
Similar issue with my 2012 Prius C with only 60k miles. However, it is 11 years old, so I guess time for things to wear out a little bit. Noticed at last fall oil change there was some oil sludge collecting on oil pan. Was concerned but could not determine source. Source determined recently by dealer when in for radiator coolant drain and fill. Dealer noted "timing cover gasket leak" and quoted ~ 3k usd to fix. Due to cost, want to weigh options before proceeding. Still some oil sludge on oil pan as last year, but has not gotten worse, no oil on garage floor, no need to add oil. Watching and waiting and hoping its just a mild weep as noted in this forum by members prior.