Hi all! It's nice to meet you I bought my first car earlier in the year: a 2005 Prius. Something about it drew me in and I absolutely love it. The battery was replaced by the dealership after I bought it so in that regard it's ready to go for a few more years. However, there are some issues with it that I'm finally able to afford to fix, but I have 0 experience with with cars so I'm looking for a bit of help. Originally I took my car in for service because I was under the impression the diagnostics port was completely removed. Turns out it was just dislodged somehow (even after having it "fixed" I still can't seem to find it - the plastic casing where it should be still looks oddly empty), but I was told the coolant control valve needs to be replaced and was given a $800 estimate. Definitely not getting it done there lol! How exactly would I go about getting it replaced? I see that you can buy the part for about $80, but where would I go to get it replaced? Can I just make an appointment with any old Firestone or Pep Boys and bring the part with me, and they'll be able to install it? Or would it be overpriced and I should look for a more local mechanic? I am not confident enough to install it myself and unfortunately don't know any mechanics! You know the sound when you put spokes in bike wheels? It sounds like that when I'm revving (I think that's the correct term...?!) - its especially audible at around 20~25mph. Would that have anything to do with the coolant valve? I was also told the AC belt needs to be replaced; could fixing that get rid of this weird noise? That's a much more affordable fix from what I'm seeing. One thing that's bothering me is that parts of the interior are... peeling off. Like this: I found out its because areas of the interior are painted. Are there any particular products I could use to tidy it up and keep the color at least somewhat uniform? And last but not least... is there any general advice I should know? Be it for my Prius or just general car maintenance I know you should replace your oil yearly and to keep an eye on your tires. What else can I do to make sure my car stays in good condition, and so I can stay safe on the road? Thank you so much!
--If you let us know what region you live in, we may be able to find someone on here that's near you to make repairs more affordable. --If you post a link to a video of the engine sound your're concerned about we might be able to help, but its not easy to do over the internet. --When you deep clean your car you can either repaint those buttons, or what I did once was cover the buttons in black athletic tape, which has proven to be very durable and doesn't peel off if you install it correctly. Looks downright professional.
Welcome to PriusChat!! First check the dealer maintenance by running the VIN at : Track Your Service Records with Your Toyota Owners Account There is no AC belt, that is the engine water pump belt, an easy job, best to replace it if worn. Change the oil every 5k, or yearly if you aren't driving it that often. Check the oil at every gas fill up. If the WS transmission fluid hasn't been changed lately then best to do a simple drain and fill, just like on the engine oil.
Long post and never mentioned miles. A very old Prius with what I assume is high miles based on the interior is a very tough first car for someone with no tools or knowledge. I can assure you one thing and that is it probably eats engine oil and the engine oil needs to be checked quite often unless you can afford a new engine. many an engine has been replaced on this site from lack of oil maintenance. Your already saying the engine is making noise that’s not good the engine is probably out of oil. Check the oil first thing in the am before starting the car. Keep it at the full line always. Engine takes 3.9 quarts of oil with a new dry filter.
there is a thread called "what you need and what you dont" over in Gen 2 Maintenance and Troubleshooting section, good place to start imho! "parts of the interior are... peeling off" you might be able to find some of these at a u-pull-it junk yard for very cheap. ... although the 2004-2005 can be different than 2006-2009 for some parts. i havent been to a junkyard since covid, but hopefully in a few months when things get better. good luck
Yeay in a few months when things get better... Been saying that to myself since last February and it's been the opposite of getting better at every step. Feel like I lost everything this year. And maybe it's not that bad, but if I stop to think about it and add things up...
Many shops do not like to install owner supplied parts. Good idea, yet may be near impossible to find a shop willing to do so. A trusted mechanic is desired over Pep Boys, including the comment that Prius's do have specialized knowledge. Maybe reach out to forum members in your area for recommendations. First car, awesome. Learning to do filter and fluid changes yourself is a valuable and money saving skill. This site can help you learn to do so. As for your interior peeling, could have been caused by incompatible detailing products. You can remove the parts sand them smooth and repaint. Either in a different color or by attempting a color match. Internet shopping can lead you to a proper paint as Home Depo spray can paint, won't be best. Congrats and good luck.
I had the "peeling button" crisis on my glovebox also. I just completed the peel 100% and now my buttons are shiny black. Looks reasonable.
I used black plastidip spray on a painted plastic shifter bezel (non-Prius) that had been all chipped up. It is a color shift, but looked good. You can peel it off too.