Hello, I own a 2020 Prius Limited and I was trying to determine which application/plug in device like Carista allows you to view your current tire pressures or which is the best application for doing so. Thanks!
I think Gen4 works similar to Prius Prime. I used OBDLink LX with TireAssistant to read out TPMS values. I have read Carista app offers this functionality, but I did not find TPMS reading on my Carista App subscription. I might have read somewhere Torque paid app has TPMS, but have not confirmed this. The free version did not have it. AFAIK, those OBD apps can read TPMS data via OBDII but not while the car is in the drive. If you need to see real-time tire pressure during driving ScanGaugeII will display it with a special PID (X-Gauge programming necessary). Techstrem also shows TPMS data, but again not during the drive. In the end, I decided to use cheap external TPMS sensors and on dash reader to monitor the real-time tire pressure on my PP.
Thanks for the quick response and I look forward to see what others have to say! I was just trying to see it in general so I don't necessarily need it to be while in motion, but I will review your suggestions!
Some scan gauge owners needed to mail their gauges back for an upgrade of some sort, in order to read tire pressures. I'd suspect in the process they would also add the XGauge. Not sure if that's still the case; maybe newly purchased scan gauge would have the pressure reading capability as/is?
Yeah, that's possible. I actually bought a brand new ScanGaugeII almost two years ago. But the list of PID on the manual did not have the TPMS reading for PP, not sure if it did for Gen4. On their website, they specifically list X-gauge procedure for the PRIME that needed to be programmed on a new gauge with at least 4.5+ firmware update. Toyota Specific XGauges But after receiving the gauge, I realized that I had to sit in a car with the gauge plugged into the OBDII to do any sort of manipulation on it. I was thinking I could do all the necessary set up on the gauge without going to the car, like sitting at my desk. At that point, I lost interest in playing with the gadget. I still have the brand new ScanGaugeII in the clamshell package never used. LOL
Mines getting dusty too. There was an apparent problem having it constantly plugged in: Check Hybrid System warning, brake related warning lights and work-to-rule brake system: the brakes worked but seemed "off", definitely not normal. Dealership tech noticed sporadic cut-outs with techstream, suggested I try disconnecting it. Did the trick.
If Tire Assistant works, You can try PID's: pressure (bar): header:750, PID: 2130, start command: atcea2a\natta, stop command: atcea calculation: X * 0.011859 + 0.35653 where X is A, B or C for first 3 tires temperature (C): header:750, PID: 2116, start command: atcea2a\natta, stop command: atcea calculation: X where X is A, B or C for first 3 tires Problem is with reading of 4th tire - first line of transmission contains only data for tires 1, 2 and 3 and "Torque pro" I'm using reads olny 1st line by default. Transmission in OBD terminal looks like this: >atcea2a OK >atta2a OK >atar OK >atsh750 OK >2130 007 0:6130ACACA9 >2116 007 0:6116403F3C RAW data received should be like this: 758 2A 10 07 61 30 AC AC A9 758 2A 10 07 61 16 40 3F 3C I know that data for last tire should start with: 758 2A 21. Mabe someone have idea how to get data for last tire in app like "torque pro"?