Ok, so I was bored and listening the radio on the way home the other night instead of a CD, and the topic of RFID chips came up - the application in question being use in department stores to track merchandise, etc. And it got me thinking: If Toyota gave you the option of getting a "smart chip" implanted somewhere in your body (probably by way of either a tiny incision, or a small needle - by a registered doctor (grins at Dr. Evan ), which would give you the same benefits as the SE/SS chip, and be able to be utilized in any new vehicle that Toyota manufactures with a bit of simple dealership programming, would you do it? Granted, I can the issue being that of a battery that would need to be changed-out at some point, or could it be charged externally through an inductance charger without requiring removal. That said, for a low-draw device like that, perhaps a tiny subset of a pacemaker-style battery could be used giving a decade or more of use? Speaking for myself, for the convenience of having a permanent "key" for my car that I could never lose or forget and would be pretty gruesome to steal, I would do it - so long as I had the option of disabling or removing it easily at some point down the road. Just goes to show what happens when I listen to the radio when I'm bored Dave.
So, for the utterly paranoid, let me offer this scenario. When the mugger demands the keys to your car, instead of you just being able to give it to them, you force them to cut off your arm and take it with them as they steal the car. Just like the spies steal your fingers and eyeballs for the Bio-Metric Access Controls to the secret underground laboratory
No battery required in most RFID - Radio Frequency Identification. The car would periodically transmit, and the chip (grain of rice) would receive, demodulate, and momentarily store the energy - then remodulate it with a unique code and retransmit it. The radio signal sent by the car is the power source at both ends. It's done all the time for other applications. My dog, for example, has such a chip that was hypodermically inserted under the skin. In that case, the scanner must be inches away. There are RFID systems good for 1 meter or more. You could put an RFID system in your car, and a suitable chip in your body, now. As for losing your flesh to carjackers, if the car's already running - no problem. They just won't get it started the next time.
I had a 'hot rod' Ford pickup, when I was in the Navy, stationed on a BIG boat.. I had to walk a long way to the parking lot where my truck was parked.. once I got to the truck in the rain and found I'd left the keys on the boat.. I hot wired the truck and drove to an auto parts store..bought an off/on button..put it under the dash and never used the key again...guess I had one of the first REMOTES.. :lol:
yes, chipping animals is quite common - two of our three cats have chips in them. The third cat is afraid it'll give her cancer and involve her in a deep X-files plot. Obviously, that cat watches too much tv. -m.
Okay, here's a scenario for you: You get this RFID implanted in your index finger, so it can be read when you grab the door handle. One day at the mall a careless store clerk, demonstrating a sausage slicer to an elderly pizza chef, accidentally cuts off your index finger. You wrap your hand in a passerby's silk shirt and make a mad dash for your car, knowing that you can drive to the hospital in less time than it would take for an ambulance to reach you, but once out in the parking lot (at the far end, where you parked to avoid door dings) you realize, to your horror, that you cannot open the door because your "key" was in the lost finger. I think I'll stick with my fob.
and.... and that scenario is so likely to occur.... please change my vote from "interesting" to "definitely"....
You just have to make sure to bring the severed finger with you But yes, I do often find myself parking a ways "down the lot" to avoid people ding'in the doors.
That's why you get the chip implanted in your head, and if your head ever gets cut off, welll then you probably won't have to worry about driving to the hospital......
I think I'll wait until they use it to open more things first. I don't want to have to get a chip for my house, then another one for my credit card, then another one for work, and so on. If it's already linked to everything I use then go for it. BTW - I find the remote very useful when I have passengers with me, SS only unlocks my door, I then have to reach down to the armrest to unlock the rest of the car. With the remote two quick clicks and everyone is in.
Well, you could always implant the Homelimk Mirror somewhere too. Unfortunately, I have few suggestions where it might fit efficiently.
That is so funny. I thought of something like that in the begining. Or something in my shoe or coat or something. Would be cool.
Do you have the blue tooth headset? I have one of those things. They work very well. You can''t use them at the same time, car and headset, but it would work that way!
Yeah, but then you have to put your head right down near the door handle to be within range of the sensor. Plus you have all that RF energy bouncing around in your head. But here's a thought: you could attach a fish hook to the fob, encased in a slow-dissolving gelatin capsule, and then swallow it. The capsule would dissolve in your stomach, and somewhere in the stomach or upper intestine the hook would take hold, and you'd have the fob in you at the right height to be near the door handle. ... Of course, I'm not sure the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages. A hook in your intestines might be too high a price to pay for never losing your fob.