I recently picked up a Prius T4 (2005). I bought a Stoplock Pro from Halfords for it, but it didnt fit so i returned it (and the workers in the shop couldnt advise on which one to get). Does anyone know which one would fit my model? Any help would be really appreciated!
Don't wast your money... Maybe do some research on securing your catalytic converter instead, that's the greatest theft risk by far when it comes to Prius. Cat Thefts are out of control right now and it's not cheap to fix. Your existing anti theft security system is why Prius are almost never stolen and those clubs that lock the steering wheel can be drilled out in seconds. As in they're worthless:
Cheers mate, ill look into that instead then. One other question, how can i get a key/fob made for my Prius? The car only came with 1 key
Waste of money. If your car is going to get snatched they will just drag that little car up on a flatbed and drive away. In less than 1 minute. But they will steal your $1800 cat converter in less than 2 minutes and require a pipe cutter and a wrench.
Less then 60 seconds in most security cam footage I've seen... But that's the ones who risk the noise of a saw blade. Hadn't thought of it before, but yes, a super quiet impact wrench and pipe cutter would be much sneakier.
Is welding the bolts on the CC a good solution, or is another method preferable? I found this solution online, wasn’t sure if it was enough protection
Motion detecting car alarm would probably be a good way to go... Also if you don't live in really hot weather A metal plate with vents aka: Cat Shield is a good way to go. They used to charge several hundred for them but now everyone is making them and I got one on Ebay for $130, but haven't installed it yet.
Cat shield looks solid, though I’d be useless trying to install it so would prob have to fork out loads to have a mechanic do it. Thanks for the tips though