I've watched a few already, mainly thru Galaxycon Live. There were some panels for Star Trek Day | Star Trek. Those are up on CBS All Access - YouTube. I've watched the Disco, Strange New Worlds and Picard panels to name a few. There's a TNG one today September 19th & 20th: Star Trek: The Next Generation Live Experience – GalaxyCon . Post other things of this sort or discuss them here. I started Star Trek virtual meets/watch alongs with actors or notable staff - My Nissan Leaf Forum but it seems to be me mostly me posting...
From 5th Anniversary Open House Telebriefing 2020 (mystery) - Trekland, it looks like there will be a free virtual meet with ‘Yesterday’s Enterprise,’ DS9 pilot ‘Emissary’ and ‘Star Trek Generations’ director David Carson on Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 7 pm Pacific / 10 pm Eastern.