I have recently acquired a 2017 Gen 4 and on a short trip on the motorway I thought I would test the LDA function. I found that the steering assist works fine when the car drifts towards the center of the motorway (i.e. to the right here in England, as we drive on the left), however if I let the car drift towards the emergency lane (i.e. to the left) I get the alert but no noticeable steering assist. The only difference is that the line to the left is solid rumble white as opposed to the broken line to the right. Is this a feature or was the system somewhat malfunctioning?
Mine is wimpy is both directions. So is my wife's '17 Prius Trim 2. I tried testing it and never felt any assist although it will beep when I cross the line. Since the only times I cross the line is when I want to, I keep it turned off. But that's here in North America. European versions often have different features.
It isn't self-steering. It is Lane Departure Alert. Read the Manual - it'll tell you what it's about - and it's not designed or purported to do what you're trying to get it to do. It's to wake you up if you drift out of the lane by beeping - and then partly steer back. Sometimes the steering back is better than not - but it won't re-centre in the lane. It expects that you've woken up by then.
AND - if you use it too much - on a windy country road - it'll suggest you stop for a rest. With this indicator showing up in your HUD: , and a suggestion that you need a rest on the main display. Fortunately, you can press "BACK" and it goes away.
Mine did that one time ... in 50 mph cross winds on the interstate. Oh, and a couple other times after driving 3+ hours non stop during our trip to Ohio in October.
Yes, I was testing the system again today and it did just that. I figured it was time to stop Do you know if there is a way to adjust the volume of the audio alert?
I don't think you can adjust the volume. I never turn mine off - I'd rather a "Once in a Lifetime" (as opposed to Once in a Deathtime) when it ACTUALLY woke me up - so put up with the occasional beep.
I do leave the alert on as a reminder, but the assist as stated is very weak. I don't do much highway driving, but even on a well marked highway, its enough to steer back towards the curb side from crossing the center line, but when it reaches the curb side if it hits any "rumble strips", the assist isn't enough and you'll be off the road.
Exactly what I have been observing. I have concluded that the road camber is playing a role in this behaviour. Enough power to steer away from the camber, but not enough to steer into it.
I wanted "lane keeping", so I was a bit disappointed when I found that it was (mainly) a warning. On the first long (500 mile trip) I discovered that during 17 years of driving a Gen1 Prius I'd developed a bad habit of letting the car wander in the lane. My logic was that the lane was wide enough for two Prius side by side, so a bit of drifting was OK. On that trip I drifted so much that I got the coffee cup warning within the first 150 miles. I've left the warning on to help re-train myself to keep the car centered. It's working. Dan
Just a half hearted, useless gimmick IMO. I found it slow to respond, that is, I was over the line before it warned me, so I turned it off. In 47 years of attentive driving I've never unintentionally strayed across lanes and I don't intend to start doing so now. If I do I'll probably be passed out or dead so a warning and slight nudge of the steering will not help anyway.
Ditto. I see people wandering over the line all the time here and I can't figure out why they do that. What could possibly demand more of your attention than not killing someone with your vehicle?
I figure it's like Seatbelts and AirBags. They're there for the 1:1,000,000 time that I'll need them, so I put my belt on. Similarly, LKA, if it saves me just once - it's done its job.
I do use it on long trips where I might be tempted to drive longer than what my alertness quotient can support.
Most of my driving is on Motorway - fairly straight. It reminds me if I change lanes without using an indicator/blinker/directional signal/trafficator/turn indicator/turn signal/winker, or try to exit without using same. So, even if there's nobody around, I now indicate - it's taught me not to be lazy. [Lazy is a subjective term.]
Mine doesn't work very good at took to dealer they said it was normal I had a 2018 Corolla it worked great on there all the time