My above comments were based on the count shown by DecisionDeskHQ, which has since picked up a pretty good block of newly reported votes that puts Biden much closer to breaking 80M. CNN has a slightly different count that now does put him over.
NTD, SKY News are the credible news and doesn't take any sides. Some of the old time news, I'm not sure and I don't take any notes from them.
NTD is New Tang Daily--it started out as an anti-communist China news site but has progressed to be very 'conspiracy theory' oriented news, including supporting Qanon. This is the first I've heard anyone say that they 'don't take sides'. Fake news is spreading faster than the virus | The Spectator SKY News used to be owned by Murdoch (owner of Fox news), who always quite proudly took sides, so I remain suspicious of them even though they were sold to Comcast and are supposedly more neutral now.
Credible, as in able to be believed; convincing? I s'pose, but I'm not so sure about 'neutral.' People in Soviet Russia used to read Pravda and Izvestia and "read" between the lines. I do the same thing with MSM, Fox, and some of the international players. Truth is where you find it.
There are so many academy awards best actor in this planet, you don't know which one is which one? One thing for sure were all heading for a freight train unless this gets sorted out and re-routed before its too late. Carl "The Truth" Williams
I'm old enough to remember when the folks in blue were passionate advocates FOR freedom of speech...... As for "allowed at all" ....PC is a private, for-profit site. Some pucker-butt out there will evoke the heckler's veto and flush the thread before long......
And then you went on to say that this is a private site. "Freedom of Speech" rules apply only to Government censorship. A private site can censor anything it wants. Groups that advocate hate and violence to further their causes deserve to be censored.......and sometimes put in jail too. Your opinion may vary.
You're right. ACTUAL mileage WILL vary. I've always defended Danny's right to run his little patch in HIS OWN WAY. I was just saying that I was old enough to remember when different folks were calling for, and doing the 'censoring'