I need to be able to carry a walker outside my Prius Prime. Cannot seem to find anyone to put it in. Is it not advisable?
According to the manual, the towing or installation of a tow hitch or the use of a tow hitch carrier is not recommended (see the excerpt from the manual below), but people have installed a tow hitch for a bike rack or small trailer. Have you tried contacting this company? https://www.etrailer.com/p-C11473.html?hhyear=2017&hhmake=Toyota&hhmodel=Prius+Prime
I ordered similar hitch receiver and was planning to add the hitch ball in back of the car in order to prevent other cars from scuffing up the bumper. Is that not advisable?
Etrailer rates installation difficulty as "10/10" AKA the most difficult. People hear have said it takes about 2 hours, if you know what you are doing. It will be a bit of hassle to do without lifting the car on hoist like shown in video, but doable for good home mechanic. I bought one but haven't installed it yet. It doesn't look like too scary of a job, and any small body shop or mechanic shop should be able to do it for under $200 labor, especially if doing it along with an oil change. PS-try calling a trailer shop such as U-Haul or Alamo Trailer. If they balk try a "mobile mechanic" private operator with a decent reputation. This ain't rocket science but many big firms don't want to do it.