Hyundai Hydrogen getting some love. 2020 Hyundai Nexo review: This hydrogen fuel-cell SUV deserves your attention - Roadshow
TFLcars remains one of my favorite channels. Their reviews have included hydrogen fuel cell cars even though there are no open hydrogen fuel stations. Source: Unlike BEV, fuel cell cars appear to dump their water overboard. There is no evidence in this video of generating hydrogen on the down slope. So when the buffer battery is full, the brakes get hot dealing with the loss of altitude. Source_2: One of their more recent reports. They lesson's learned, you can regen a charge descending tall hills and mountains but fuel cells appear to be one-way only, discharging their hydrogen and dumping the waste water on the road. Bob Wilson
Nature won't spontaneously put ice on dry roads. FCEVs don't have hot exhaust like ICE cars, thus more liquid water in it. The exhaust freezing up was one of the first things they needed to address. With more water dumping on the pavement a hydrogen car future will require more deicing of the roads, which will lead to more environmental damage.