Hello Prius family! Just purchased a 2021 Prime XLE today and I’m not regretting the purchase one bit! Ended up getting a killer deal (at least I think) $28,179 plus a $1,750 credit so it was $26,429 +fees. Now it’s time to apply for all the free money
Thanks guys. Being somewhat of a car guy I’m going to be modding this thing a bit. Planning on some TRD aero from Japan, wheels and a drop. So hopefully this thing will look even sweeter in a few months. Haha. if you have an IG check me out @e30_lue for the build progress.
sounds like good deal. Don't forget many States, Counties and Citys or 'districts' are also giving Free Money.....and most Dealers are utterly clueless (smh) about these programs Toyota Corp spent good money "lobbying" for. Nice choice on color. Is it metallic "pearl blizzard"? I'm considering doing a "white out" custom job and making some of the black plastic also metallic pearl to more or less match the paint. Thinking of doing rear under bumper (when I remove to install tow hitch bike carrier mount) and maybe plastic pillars at windows, and maybe some of the front grill. Got some hardware store Pearl paint that seems like nearly exact match but will need white primer under coat to cover well.
Only things I know of is the $4,500 credit, $1,000 from my energy company (which I applied for) and another $1,000 from my city (which I applied for also). I haven’t seen anything else, but now imma go look. This one is called Wind Chill Pearl, I waited a few months out here around my area to be able to get one, they seem to not get many at the local dealership. Idk why, to me it’s a classy looking color. I actually like the black bits more after tinting the windows and installing some window visors. I also just received the OEM roof rack system (which I’ll be wrapping black), and a Yakima Fairing adding more black to it just to have more of a contrast. A drop and some black wheels later would just even it out. I’ll update pics when I install the rack system