Re: No color changes Sure the colors won't change, but will they be different? Sorry, couldn't resist.
:evil: :evil: That is too bad about the colors :!: Light boring colors with no life in them :!: (Colors for the over 50 crowd) And that god awful tan interior :Wth: Guess I'll wait another year or :?If I could only find a way to get the BLUE from Japan!) :?: :bootyshake:
Eh, I'm not a fan of the tan/ivory interior either. I prefer the grey, as dark interiors don't show dirt as easily. I really wish the blue was more vivid and came with the grey interior.... blue is my favorite color.
Dianne, Hope your package allocation (1,3,6) isn't neccesarily reflective of national allocations. Still hope to find new #4/AM (old #7) somewhere. Really just want the VSC, and Side/Curtain Airbags without too many of the other bells and whistles. General Comment: By the way with regards to the HID headlamps, all I can say is that the on our recent trip out to the Oregon Coast on Route 20 (2 lane highway, no divide) in an '04 pkg. #3, Oncoming traffic REALLY hated our STANDARD headlights; kept flashing us like we had our highbeams on (which we didn't). Some even flashed 2-3 times and one guy flashed and then just left his high beams on *&^$@!!!. Can't imagine what it would have been like with the HIDs. Also note: The Prius tan interior hides Golden retriever hair quite well!!! Jon
Were you carrying a heavy load in the rear? It wouldn't have been bad. The HID's are self leveling based on the height sensor in the rear suspension (which is why HID's are only available on VSC equipped cars). When the rear end is loaded down, the sensor detects the change in height, which is eventually passed to the headlight control ECU. This ECU then tells servo's move the headlight reflectors accordingly. In this setup, the only way the aim could be "bad" is if the factory alignment was off in this case - and if this were the case, no amount of load would drop them down. These lights can also be aimed in the same way conventional lights are aimed - the only difference is the aim is retained regardless of load. Perty cool. Too bad the stock lights don't have this - but they're not nearly as bright.
Huh, never thought of that. Shell's Yellow Guidebook makes a good point. Although, LOL that she got annoyed enough to do it anyway!
Ooooooh, BobA! Love the flames on that car! I want flames (or a lightning bolt) on mine! Guess for now I'll just settle for a ToyYoda sitting on my dash.... (what? He's on my monitor at work...and he's cool) :mrgreen:
Some people are just really picky & pissy about headlights shining to them. In South Carolina there is a state law making it illegal to flash your headlights for any reason whatsoever, you might want to check your own local laws before flashing someone in the future. This is entirely my opinion, but the lights that usually appear "out of whack" to me are on new cars. This simply tells me that the manufacturer is positioning the lights in the best place for that driver to see the most possible of the road. I'm not used to it, so I get mad because his lights aren't where I am used to them being. And that is all it is - they are just not where my eyes have become accustomed to having them pointing. They were always pointed at my eyes, but I've adjusted over the years, and now the manufacturer's are making it safer for the driver, and it's something i have to become accustomed to again. The same goes for HID lights. These are safer lights for everyone and actually produce less glare for oncoming drivers - the main problem is that people are complaining because they're simply not what they are used to seeing on the road. A purplish/blue light comes down the road and my eyes become fixated on it because it's different. Not because it's interfering more with my driving. Now those jerks with the crappy "Cool Blue" wanna-be lights are the ones that make me mad (I personally have Sylvania SilverStars and they are nothing like the crappy imitations that are out there)....
on new vehicles you must realize that the method of multiple reflectors aimed at different parts of the road makes it look like the old style single reflector is aimed to high when that simply isnt the case. look at your Prius headlamp. its casing is segmented into about 6 different reflecting panels. 4 small ones in the middle and two large ones on the side. each creates concentrated beams directed to a specific area of the road. i know you all must have noticed by now that even standard Prius headlamps are the brightest and most effective at lighting up the road that you have ever had right?? (ok that might not be true if you are used to driving $50,000 cars. but as for former junker drivers like me, its a no brainer) the old style reflector was one panel that was round and sent light out in a spread pattern that was realistically mostly wasted as it sent light out several hundred yards while missing areas only a few hundred feet away. so what it boils down to is just another area of progress that people are resistant to. they dont understand the logic, or mechanics or safety issues that are involved and are used to their inefficient and wasteful (realize that old headlights although less effective, are also larger, hotter, and brighter in most cases than the standard Prius lights) headlamps in their own cars. my suggested course of action is while mentioning that the Prius no longer needs to be plugged in (most dont believe that the Prius was NEVER plugged in) just append to that statement something like "and my headlights were aligned by experts at the factory under the guidance of top notch university trained engineers"
I can't find this anywhere Google looked. One post challenged someone to come up with any state that outlaws this, and I didn't see anyone come up with a law. Truckers do it all the time. Do you have a solid reference?...
I read it in the Code of Laws when I got a speeding ticket last year and can't find that right now, but here is the section they use if you flash someone to let them know about a speed trap: SECTION 16-5-50. Penalty for hindering officers or rescuing prisoners. Any person who shall (a) hinder, prevent or obstruct any officer or other person charged with the execution of any warrant or other process issued under the provisions of this chapter in arresting any person for whose apprehension such warrant or other process may have been issued, (B) rescue or attempt to rescue such person from the custody of the officer or person or persons lawfully assisting him, as aforesaid, © aid, abet or assist any person so arrested, as aforesaid, directly or indirectly, to escape from the custody of the officer or person or persons assisting him, as aforesaid, or (d) harbor or conceal any person for whose arrest a warrant or other process shall have been issued, so as to prevent his discovery and arrest, after notice or knowledge of the fact of the issuing of such warrant or other process, shall, on conviction for any such offense, be subject to a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisonment for not less than three months nor more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court having jurisdiction. Though in Tennessee this has been defeated based upon a Free Speech argument.
I'm hard-pressed to find anything in here where warning someone to slow down before being subject to monitoring and ticketing would be covered. Unless some other law magically creates a standing warrant for all speeders in the vicinity of a speed trap, there's no warrant, no custody, no nothing until the cop pulls them over. Stretching this section to cover telling them someone is watching them makes me want to start looking over my shoulder at whatever else might be misinterpreted around here. Thanks...