Hi...... I need a little help from all the guys (and gals) that know where I can dress up my 2013 Black Prius C with rims using the factory 175/60R15 tires it came with. Im sorry but do not know a thing about offset proper rim to tire measurements. This is why I am asking for anyone's help. If anyone knows of rims with little machine blue on black or rims that would dress up my car w/o sacrificing the gas mileage since I need car for work, I would really appreciate the help. Please include the website (if any) where I can check it out. Thanks~K
Check out tirerack.com and enter your vehicle information. It will show you what fits and even show you, generally what the wheels will look like on your car. Also, have you seen this thread? Aftermarket Wheel Thread | PriusChat SCH-I535
Thanks Xliderrider. Ima read thru and ask a few techy questions to proper size and offset and all that other stuff peeps mention that I do not know.
Hi EZ Rider...... C came with the 15-inch 8 spoke alloys but I wanna dress it up a bit. U know us gals...all about accessorizing! Oh where do I find the OEM(Toyota) options u mentioned? ~K
You can also go on Home - Discount Tire Direct and see what wheels they have that fit your tire size. Like the other person posted you can also see what the wheels look like on the C.
I think what you already have are the "premium" wheels that they offer but have a look at Toyota.com. You know, I hope, that anything fancier than that will likely cost you BIG bucks.....right ?? Any major tire store in your area will be happy....thrilled.....to help you out with this search.
We answer this about half a dozen times a week. Here's the advice that works best: 1. dressy wheels are available best fron tirerack.com and discounttiredirect.com. The wheel specs you need to know are diameter 15" naturally to fit 15' tires, rim width 5 to 6, even 7", and offset 40 to 45 mm so the tire stays inside the fender liner. The bolt pattern is 4x100mm, meaning 4 bolts at 90 degrees on a circle of 100mm diameter. The hub center hole is 68mm or so. And the wheels fit 4 bolt Hondas and someToyotas as well so your selection is huge. Tirerack has the specs on every wheel they recommend because they know it fits; their prices are higher than Discount tire because Discount quotes prices incliding shipping. Even better, if you buy a set of tires as well they mount and balance free and based on the hundresds of tires we or customers have bought they do an excellent job. 2.You can also find wheels from OEM steel to dressy alloys on ebay, many used. Just as sellers wheels you can use Honda 4 bolt wheels to broaden the search. Just be sure the wheels are 4x199mm, not 4"; they aren't the same. 4" is 101.6". while may not seem to be n=much those lug bolts can tell - and break. 3. You can get wheels from junkyards too, mostly from Hondas with 15" both OEM and aftermarket, since many Hondas wrecked have 15 " aftermarget wheels. Just be sure they are straight and most reputable salvage yasrds will be sure they're OK before selling. Tjhat should help. PS sure your tires aren't 175/65x15, not 175/60x15. And 185/65x15 tires, 195/55x15, and 185/60x15 all fit nicely if you need to change tires. The 186/65x15's yield a bt better real mpg and less miles on the odometer but not enough to matter unless you really want to stretch the mpg. If you have any questions ask.
Thanks Mahout!! You made my Valentine's Day a little more sweeter too. I think now I have enough information to do my choosing and buying. I appreciate all of you who took the time to help me out too. If I do decide on a particular set of wheels, would you mind giving me the final approval? ~K
Be glad to; we do it all the time. Enjoy your valentine. Here's a word of further advice. Be aware that heavy wheels are detrient to mpg; however thats not as bad as a heavy tire, which is very handicapping. Staying with 175/65x15 is good. You can use the OEM wheels for snow tires when bad weather is bad for your good wheels. All that stuff is easy to see on Tirerack wheel'catalog'. Enjoy picking out your wheels. So far not one woman has chosen the wheels another has; is it like buying a dress?
One of our girls here has decorated her wheels around the rim with a stripe of 1/8" reflective tape and at nite its spectacular when lights shine on it.. She's thinking about adding more 1/8" wide stripes down each spoke. So you may want to consider reflective strips just as she has; reflective tapes of many widths and colors are all on ebay at very reasonable costs they're getting out of hand when different colors and widths are being considered. Do have to admit though the reflective rings around the rim flange may be a good safety item for her since her car is coal black and not very well seen at night. Now it can't be missed. Good luck You can try wheels on tire rack on your car before buying. cheers.
Americas tire website has some wheels. that's where I got mine from. They also have them in black with a red stripe. They are Maxxim Maze 16x7 wheels on stock tires.
Thanks for sharing wheels and pic of your Prius. They look nice on your ride. Did you keep the stock P175/65r15 Prius came with or did you increase the tire size? Also, how's the gas mileage with your new shoes (wheels)? I am tempted to see how they look on my blk prius. I didn't see machine blue stripe wheels for those. Do you know if that be special order? ~K
Kendra, I bought my car with the 16 " OEM alloys which had 195-50- 16 tires. so I used the original tires on the new wheels which where about .5-1 inch wider. Fuel wise no problems. They also have them in black with a red stripe around the edge. Go to America's tire online, type your car info and look under MAXXIM MAZE and you will see what they have to offer for your car. I just checked it out and they have 15' wheels also. Yes they had to order them but got them in 2 days. Around $700 for everything. Just remount your stock tires if they are in good shape with tread and you are done. Hope this helps. Have a good day! God bless! Mike
Kendra, Be sure to post a picture or two of your new wheels please. It was my pleasure to help you and anyone else out with this information. Have a good day! Mike