Hi Guys, Just noticed this happening a few days ago: normally when I'm parked and the car is on the ICE will come on and off, and when it does I see the little path light up on the MFD from ICE to motor to battery. In the last few days, when the engine is running, it doe snot show that path anymore....and it seems to idle higher than usual.... No codes, still good fuel economy, and has about 252,000 miles... Any suggestions?
If it’s just running to warm up, after about a minute it stops charging the battery, so no path is showing. check your 12v, and clean the throttle body butterfly, that’s been known to help a gen2 that won’t shut off at times. It may just be the cooler temps though.
Thanks for this. I JUST cleaned the TB about 3 weeks ago and removed the entire thing...scrubbed with brushes, carb cleaner/MAF cleaner and put it all back with fresh gasket. I'm pretty positive I didn't do anything wrong....what else could it be?