Thanks. With the chrome delete being standard in 2021, the window tint should look nice as a total look. There aren't many red ones around compared to all the colors. We have one about 10 miles from me. I've got my ceramic coat ready to apply after I prep it.
What would be funnier would be an Tesla vehicle on the side of a road asking to be towed to the nearest EV charger
Even funnier still that, this many years into the market, a detractor doesn't yet have such a video at hand.
what would be funny would be doing such a ridiculous thing that you're imagining - when they already have these; they've been around for ~ ½ decade. Time to mockingly imagine something more w/in the realm of reality - not that any one form of transportation or another can't be stupidly run down until empty of fuel. .
Never seen one, and how come there is no license plate on this truck and no tow company name on the door?? Are You sure this is not just a dream that no one is doing? Nice try. Bolt, Leaf, and Tesla Owners Take Note: AAA Temporarily Suspends Emergency Battery Electric Vehicle Charging Program | Torque News
"... the folks from AAA noted its special service was going mostly unused." "AAA had a good idea for helping stranded EV owners, but the EV market and owner habits have precluded it from being viable - for now." I.e. EV drivers seem to have a habit of not running out of "fuel" on the roadside.
We will certainly tow them home or to a charging station. In addition, AAA's mobile app and electronic Trip-Tiks also have E/V charging station locations That’s right EV drivers don’t tend to run out of FUEL as they don’t use FUEL but do use Electricity
... and apparently they tend to not run out of it, thus the roadside charging service wasn't getting enough business to remain a going concern. Therefore, push them over to the same backup services already deployed for mechanically challenged gassers.
A mechanical tow to the nearest L1 or L2 power source is enough. Fortunately, today's EV owners are pretty clever. Use PlugShare and you'll unlikely to ever be stranded ... not impossible but more accurate than traditional gas car meters. Bob Wilson
I've already ordered a CHAdeMO adapter. We travel off the interstates a lot and to locations that require alternative charging methods. With my M3 LR, it's very doable even including far flung places like Terlingua, TX (Big Bend), Carlsbad Caverns, NM, Jasper, AB and everything in between. While waiting on the M3 to arrive, I've been modeling all the trips we've ever done with PlugShare and ABetterRouteplanner and so far they're all very doable even in winter with reduced range. I started this thread thinking some future Prius owner might find it helpful, but the longer I hang around here the less I believe that.
Your cars should come with a portable EVSE with a NEMA 5-15. Let me suggest getting these additional plug-ins: NEMA 10-30 - the triangular plug NEMA 14-30 - one with an angular bent ground pin plug NEMA 14-50 - one with straight pin plug Others include NEMA 6-50 and NEMA 5-20 but I find them less common This will open up the RV power plugs to get a faster charge as needed. Order them through your Tesla account but wait until you verify the plug the portable comes with. These can provide a nice 'bridge' when traveling away from J1772/Distribution charging locations. GOOD LUCK!
Great suggestions. Yes, I was waiting to see what 2 adapters are in the kit. I'd read it had changed recently so I was being safe. I know the RV parks can have a range of plug types as well. Our non-interstate travel will definitely use these. Thanks!
Yeah, no more freebies. We were among the last who got a NEMA 5-15 + 14-50 + J1772 adapter included. Quite reasonable piecemeal at $35/adapter: Gen 2 NEMA Adapters