2004 Prius 300,000+ Strange thing happened on my way home tonight. Car lost all power and displayed the triangle of death and other dash lights. I pulled off the road and powered it down. When I push the power button again all dash lights came on again but only for a second or two. It also displayed five squares (is this a clue?) on the right side of the combination meter. There was a faint scent in the air that I thought might be coolant, but all levels looked good. It will not start and combination meter will not stay on. I have tech stream on my laptop but I don't think the car will stay on long enough to read the codes. Any ideas or suggestions?
I have never replaced the cooling pump. I did swap out the inverter a couple years ago, but not the pump.
Well guess what? The pump shorts out and blows am2 fuse in the black fuse box in the engine compartment. Do not replace the fuse it will just blow again. Pump must be replaced First. Use search forums link above and search: Inverter pump
You might check if the pump is functioning, feel for vibration by using a finger or stick, also look in the reservoir for liquid turbulence. Try disconnecting the inverter coolant pump (picture below), and replace the AM2 fuse, does the vehicle start now? Be sure to replace and reconnect the inverter coolant pump before driving again.
I replaced the pump with a used one. It is still blowing the AM2 fuse so my guess is that the newly installed pump is defective as well. I was able to pull the codes after installation P1121 and P1122. I also pulled a P3102 that I think was a result of having it towed home this morning.
Thank you. I figured out which fuse it was. Replaced it and unplugged the pump. I was able to start it up. Now to replace the pump. Thank you for your help in diagnosing this. Very grateful for you both. Thank you.
UPDATE: Thinking I was replacing the inverter coolant pump, I was actually replacing the coolant flow control valve. Crazy mistake!! Argghhh... This explains why it is still blowing the AM2 fuse. I will replace the inverter coolant pump (right behind the driver's side headlight) tomorrow. Hopefully, this will fix it all.
You replaced the engine water pump? Hope not that requires a pretty meticulous bleed to get the air out. Use a new Denso inverter pump or you will be right back there doing it again. This requires a good air bleed too to work properly.
FIXED!!! Inverter coolant pump replaced. No codes! No leaks! No air in the system! No blown fuses! Thank you for your assistance.
In addition to making the correct replacement, it is important to bleed all the air out of the coolant system. Runs like a charm now!!! Thank you again for all your help.