Hi everyone. My 2013 Prius (130k miles) is displaying the "check hybrid system" message, along with the check engine, yellow triangle, brake system, and slip indicator lights. It's at my normal shop now and they've said the inverter is bad and will cost $4000 to completely replace, or $3500+ to go in and try to find out which particular component(s) has failed. The codes it's showing are: P0A7A, P0A94, P324E, C2124, C1259, and C1310. Does this diagnosis and cost seem right to you guys? I checked with Toyota and they said the extended inverter warranty (15 years/150k miles) doesn't apply to my Prius. I'm not much of a DIY guy and I don't have access to tools further than a couple screwdrivers, so I can't do much myself. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on where to go from here. Thanks!
To see if you have an outstanding recall, put your VIN into the NADA recall search, or create an account at the Toyota Owner site, and search.
I don't have any outstanding recalls, but Toyota said I might qualify for the warranty enhancement program ZE3, which would replace the IPM under warranty. I'm having the Prius towed there tomorrow so they can diagnose and see if it qualifies.
The dealer said it qualifies for the ZE3 program and they fixed it at no charge! I got it back on Friday and it's running fine again.