With the pandemic, I didn't drive the car often and roughly driving on 1 to 2 times a week for the groceries. I noticed a clicking noise that only happened when turning right at 90 degrees a couple of months ago. It does not happen if the angle is less (e.g. 45 degrees). It does not happen when turning left. It seems noise has become lesser when the weather is cooler although it is still there. What might have caused this problem? Thanks for your advice.
Thanks for the suggestion. Is CV joint something I should repair as soon as possible or it won't matter much I delay further? Thanks,
It is something like that line from the old Dirty Harry movies: Do you feel lucky, do you? If the joint goes south on you at speed, you are looking at a serious accident. Yes, get it fixed ASAP.
If it's CV joints, and the clicking is only during right turns, I believe that indicates the side that's failing. Might be left side, but google.
Unless you have a torn rubber boot that allowed contamination in, I would replace both at the same time. If one is worn, the other is not likely far behind. I wouldn't put it off very long. As mentioned above, if it breaks you could have a mess on your hands.