Here's another issue I ran into. Recently the instrument panel started not turning on. I read about the problem with the capacitor, and undertook the task of removing the panel to replace the capacitor with the correct sized one. See first two pictures. Everything went well, and I hooked things up. Unfortunately, a new problem arose. I got the error message "there is a problem with the "P" lock mechanism...." when I tried to start the car. Having read the discussion about it, I first tried the jumper wire trick, without success. Then I charged up the battery till it read 12.8 volts, and it still gave me the same error message. While I was trying to figure out what the problem might be, I ran across a loose plug. I have no idea where it plugs into. So, can anyone think of what the problem might be? Is it related to the plug that I can't find a jack for? I will try to upload some pictures of the plug and location of where it comes out. See pictures 3-5. Help!!!
how many miles on her? what is the 12v after sitting overnight? i have read that p lock can be a problem with voltage at the ecu
It has 221,811 miles on her. After I charged it up completely, it said 12.8 volts. I let it sit for a few hours (FYI, it is about 40 degrees outside right now) and the voltage dropped to 12.4 volts. I tried to start it, and while it does start, it still gives me the same error message. I put the charger back on it till it read full, and started it up, and still the same error. Regarding that loose plug, any ideas? George
I did, and the most common solution was either the 7.5 amp fuse not having good contact with the blue wire, and hence the jumper, or replacing 12v battery because of low voltage I think I have ruled both of those out, but what do I know? lol.
Common sense says to find out where the plug is supposed to go..................anything else you do right now, like jumpering stuff, is kinda like spitting into the wind..... without looking...maybe the park button? I'll poke around a bit and see if I can find some info.. Yeah, I nailed the F out of that without even looking..........I'll post a photo in a minute
Yes you did, TMR. I forgot that the left side vent had the park button in it. So I hooked it up, and most of the warning lights went off after starting the car, but.... The red triangle was still there. So I put it into maintenance mode, or whatever you call it, to check the voltage, and when I went out of maintenance mode, the Red Triangle of Death was gone, and everything seemed to be as it should. Now, to start putting the dash back together tomorrow, as it's late and cold now. You guys are the best!!! George
That's what we're here for brudda'. To help each other out. I've disassembled my fair share of dashes, so I had a bit of an advantage, lol. (also why I have bags of spares with wire harnesses still attached)
Congrats on fixing it. You now have "experience", which you gain by doing things- and sometimes making mistakes. So long as you survive those mistakes, you become a better person. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.