Been hearing it roam around the attic the last few days keep forgetting to change the bait which I felt was old by now. I'm actually scared of getting scratched as it is a humane trap and I can hear it trying to get out. (It's still alive). I usually drive it halfway up the mountain and let it go there. It's probably a rat. Mice are curious, prior time I changed the bait and the next morning or day after caught a tiny mouse. Rats are more cautious and takes a lot longer before they dare. Also a lot scarier looking. I don't think it's a lizard but see those climbing around outside the house. Will be surprised they like meat? Of course my terminally ill dog has a vet appointment this morning AND the tool set I ordered Wednesday did not ship yesterday from a local warehouse like the website said it would to clutter my morning. Busy busy bee... Thanks for this section, didn't sleep well, trap woke me when door sprang shut, needed to rant. moto g(7) power ?
"Rats carry diseases." - as do humans! RATS LIVES MATTER! Hint: You are advised to read "Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH"
+1 I use a glue trap and a set of pliers. It's really quite...."humane." Often, when you pull the mieces off of the glue trap, their little feet will stay on the trap, which makes for an easy meal for the snakes and owls that hang out on my property. It's also environmentally sound, since you can re-use the glue trap.
Rat was once. It went somewhere approximately half way up the road to Chantry Flats. That was one scary creature though. Was releasing in the wild a mistake? Hmmm. It was a small mouse. Still bad? Thanks for all the input to consider! moto g(7) power ?
COVID mouse -> human? Gulp! Just like last time road up to Chantry Flats was closed. It went to Sawpit Wash Trail... moto g(7) power ?
I used a glue trap once. NEVER again. That mouse flopped around under the kitchen sink making a god awful racket at 2 am. By the time I got there he had ripped off two of his legs and crawled away. Definietly not humane. I use the tunnel. They go in, the guillotine drops and snaps the neck. instant death. Dump the critter and reuse. Victor® Clean-Kill™ Mouse Trap - 4 Pack |