Anyone know how the electricity from the 12v in the back gets to the front? We have 2 2008 Prius, and Blue went dark recently. We suppose either a dome light was left on or a key fob left in the ignition killed the 12 v battery. Auto repair store jumped it with a battery jumper. But when we got home, after turning off, a hundred percent darkness, not even interior lights. We bought a AGM capable 4 amp charger and attempted a recharge but no success. We jumped it from Silver Surfer and drove it about a couple miles and things went well, but the VSC and Red Triangle lights came on along with a (0) light. MFD showed hybrid battery charge increased to 4 bars as we descended for about 3/4 of a mile. We bought a new 12v battery today from the Toyota dealer but no change. Still 100% dark, no interior lights or dashboard lights. We replaced the AM10 fuse today but still no change. (The fusebox is kind of corroded). We don't have a multimeter and Blue is my kids car and they are freaking the F out. She had just paid for an oil change and new front brake pads at 140,000 miles. Our availably money for car care is way past low. I'm thinking if it can jump twice then the problem is the 12v isn't getting electricity from the 12v in the rear to the front of the car. And the dc-dc converter powered the dash, radio, lights as we drove around the neighborhood. Any recommendations on why juice may have stopped travelling from the trunk to under the hood? I'm figuring Toyota didn't give us a dead battery.
yes, the + post of the battery goes thru a 120? amp fuse that is located in the plastic assembly mounted on the + terminal of the battery. The + cable then goes to the underhood jump point. The jump point supplies power to the main fusible link which distributes power to the entire car.. Don't forget, the (-) post has a cable that fastens to the rear wall of the trunk. It also must be tight at both ends.
Probably true but there is a chance. You can get a multi-meter at Harbor Freight for about $8. WalMart for about $11. Auto parts stores too. Exactly where are you connecting the jumper cables on the "dead" vehicle ? If that works at the jump points up front but does NOT work if done at the battery in the back, then there is a bad cable connection somewhere. As mentioned, the - ground cable is the most likely suspect.
The auto repair place that had replaced the front brake pads told my daughter it was a wire they needed to replace. It may have been a wire going from the rear to the fuse box in the front, but i'm not a 100% certain about that. Thank you all for your responses!