I just find and solved almost completely a long standing problem related to the interaction of various faults and the car computer’s. All the info in the central control console disappeared for no apparent reason. Much later during my more carefully investigation I found that a large magnetic rectangle (similar to those fridge door advertising) was inserted under the radio, creating a magnetic field. (Disruptive to any electronics devices. The warnings were to check the aircon connections. The car drove well with no display screen available. When the left tail lights fail, that caused more steering controls to fail. Recently because of intermittent use of the vehicle, one morning could not open the car, had to use the keys and there was still no sign of life on the Prius. Replaced battery on the fobs. Unsuccessfully. Jump start it from the engine contact point and it finally comes alive. Replaced the bulb on the tail light to restore those essential features. Investigations will continue, but I feel a degree of foul play was involved, and I do not poses a large enough demagnetiser. Toyota Australia, The Japanese Mather Company and associated US entity, should reconsider the way they promote service and intend to maintain the customer loyalty and satisfaction. iPad ?
Sounds more like a combination meter failure...or are you talking about a MFD failure? a taillight caused steering to fail?
I'm not accustomed to seeing a stationary magnetic field being particularly disruptive to electronics devices, though if you had anything there with a CRT monitor, the image might be a little bit warped.
I originally I had occasional alternating problem with the centre displays screen with consequences to the radio. The radio will go off, or vice versa at time making the display come on as normal. The frequent failure of the left tail light (Australia) will interfere with the 3 buttons on the steering wheel controlling the air flows. iPad ?
Maybe it is the result of driving his car "upside down" all the time !! What exactly do you expect Toyota to do for you ? Even if your conclusion is correct.......which I doubt based on 50 years of Electronics experience.......what do you think needs to be "demagnetized" ?? And expecting the car maker to deal with every POSSIBLE combination of "foul play" is just not realistic. Stuff happens to 16 year old cars, that is beyond anybody's control.