I made a post the other day, a link to the satirical Onion publication, that quickly got taken down. I apologize for not realizing that the site administrators have absolutely no sense of humor, and could not see that my intent was to show how others may think of us Prius drivers. I found it quite illustrative myself, and once again vow to "go against type" and NOT act like a stereotypical Prius driver. Like most of the Onion writings, it was rude, crude, offensive, and funny as hell.
I'm really sorry I missed it!! Sounds like something I would have gotten a good laugh from. I'd like to think anyone with a good sense of humor can laugh at anything, even themselves!! Hopefully there were minimal micro-aggressions and a list of safe-spaces available for those without a humor bone in their body....
I should add, don't think I made it clear, it was totally Prius related. A little searching (Onion/Prius) may turn it up, it popped up on my YouTube algorithm for some reason. SOME may not be amused, but that is how the Onion rolls.
Where did you post it? There is a playpen/sandbox forum where the terms of service enforcement is more lax, though not fully absent. Crude and rude items posted outside that forum are likely to be deleted.
I looked it up. One of the funniest jabs at the environmentalist nut jobs (as opposed to reasonably responsible) I've ever seen. My wife was laughing out loud. I really like the part about the media test drives.
So is Charlie Hebdo.... However (comma!) PC....like the tweets, are a private, for-profit entity. They post their rules clearly, and they kinda sorta enforce them semi-fairly....sometimes. In short: Danny's site. Danny's rules. Don't like em? Don't click.
I posted it right here. in the gen3 main/general discussion area. No big deal, I am just glad to see that THIS didn't get yanked also. The Onion does not pull punches, and it is pretty easy to see how some of what they do (impaling toddlers) could be considered offensive by some. The comments section of the YouTube content was pretty hilarious also.
You might try posting it in FHOP. It really was funny if you take it the way I did. If you don't get sarcasm, then life is full of offensive stuff.
Having personally witnessed /seen & heard laughter from the mods - it should be noted the OP is incorrect - One man's ceiling is another man's floor - to quote Paul Simon.
Like most of the people I know, we appreciate humor that is clever and original while still clean, refined and skillfully presented. More like Martin Short than Eddie Murphy.
Exactly...., and that is what the Onion is so good at. Being clever, extremely original, and with no foul language whatsoever. While also pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable, but always, first and foremost, funny. I did the Onion a disservice by using the words "rude, crude, and offensive."