I don't see no stinkin' boulder...just a bittystone. Me and my mutts could move that rig with no sweat~says Kris -- I'm feelin' bold started the chainsaw from hell over the weekend and cut down a couple of 20-foot "leaners"! But, while photos can be misleading, that car looks like no sweat and the slope not extreme...but not my car, I am not there, so........but.....oh,
One can put the car into neutral if you can get it into IG-ON and then pull the P-CON relay under the hood. The car can then be shut off and will remain in neutral.
Hmm, as usual, no update from a new poster. Just curious. I still think Kris had it nailed. It was a two-person pusher....or....maybe with her, a one person and three-dog....What was that group...Three Dog Night? Maybe this song hits it.
Not sure about this post. The solution was a nobrain.. a couple of folks could have moved it with no sweat!
This is the most helpful answer I'm seeing here. I gotta go out and check my 2014 for these tow points. While OP might be in a simple situation I'm trying to up my preparedness game for winter driving here in Alaska, where the saying is "You've either been in the ditch, or you're going to be in a ditch." Luckily in my area passerbys are quick to stop an offer help and with lots of big trucks around I'd like to be able to jump out with my tow strap and know all the possible attachment points. Cold temps mean we're all usually wanting to get the car back on the road asap, rather than wait around for specialized equipment. So I'm thinking I should grab that threaded eyelet and tire iron and stow them handy with my tow strap. Any other great ideas for easily accessible tow attachment points all over the car? You never know what angle you'll be pointing...