I have a 2008 Prius and my battery just failed on me, and I wanted to try discharging, and then charging it back up a few times as the issue occurred after returning from a over 2 week vacation. Anyone have one that they want to sell or that they'd like to rent out? Thanks (I can also build one if need be, any links to such a guide if it exists, I did for my insight in the past but can't find anything for a guide on the prius.)
Good luck with your endeavor. We do a similar activity up in the Bay Area and works well for me and the member I co-own with. We even loan it out as it sits on the shelf otherwise . Hope you find someone down south.
Hi. I have one in perfect condition. I used it a few times on my 07 Prius and it worked flawlessly. Unfortunately the Prius has been sitting and other cells failed after the 2 I replaced, so I just bought a brand new battery and no longer need the Prolong.
This is an old thread but in case anyone is looking: I have one for sale on eBay (posted 11/16/20; Gen 2; $449 opening bid; $599 buy-it-now). Let me know if you want the link. I can post the link in 1 day when I meet the requirements of the forum. It should be easy enough to find on eBay; I didn't see any others posted.